My app allows editing contacts. In this scenario, I chose a contact which existed in only one account and changed it to associate it with three accounts. However, I ended up with two contacts, not one, as shown in the ContactsContract dump below. Why didn't the provider aggregate them?
agg 1821, display "A Z1", key 770i236434918d3893ea.2709i79dde86f8c1565d3.2709i506dc01a0d43d677.2709i4707c358f8fb503
raw 1821, acct type com.google, acct name a@gmail.com
data 10338, display "A Z1"
data 10343, phone 123456, Pager
data 10349, phone 545, Fax Work
agg 1861, display "A Z1", key 1780r1860-q29pq04pq5Bpq16p.2709r1861-q29pq04pq5Bpq16p
raw 1860, acct type com.fusionone.account, acct name Backup Assistant
data 10580, display "A Z1"
data 10582, phone 123456, Pager
data 10584, phone 545, Fax Work
raw 1861, acct type com.google, acct name b@gmail.com
data 10581, display "A Z1"
data 10583, phone 123456, Pager
data 10585, phone 545, Fax Work
在此转储中,三层代表汇总联系人行,原始联系人行和联系人数据行.前导词(例如agg 1821)旁边的数字是_ID列值. 显示"代表DISPLAY_NAME.
In this dump, the three tiers represent the aggregate contact rows, the raw contact rows, and the contact data rows. The number next to the leading word (e.g. agg 1821) is the _ID column value. "display" represents DISPLAY_NAME.
更具体地说,我从agg 1821开始,它来自帐户a@gmail.com(混淆).然后,我使用与agg 1821相同的显示名称为其他两个帐户创建了两个新的原始联系人(1860和1861).您可以看到结果:这两个新的原始联系人被聚合在一起,但是该对未与原始联系人聚合. (1821)联系人.
More specifically, I started with agg 1821 which comes from account a@gmail.com (obfuscated). Then I created two new raw contacts (1860 and 1861) for two other accounts, using the same display name as for agg 1821. You can see the results: the two new raw contacts were aggregated together but the pair was not aggregated with the original (1821) contact.
通过写入 AggregationExceptions :
Builder builder = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(AggregationExceptions.CONTENT_URI);
builder.withValue(AggregationExceptions.TYPE, AggregationExceptions.TYPE_KEEP_TOGETHER);
builder.withValue(AggregationExceptions.RAW_CONTACT_ID1, raw1);
builder.withValue(AggregationExceptions.RAW_CONTACT_ID2, raw2);
ContentProviderOperation op = builder.build();
ContentProviderResult[] res = resolver.applyBatch(ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, operationList);
will contain info about the success/failure of all operations