本文介绍了ADFS 3.0多重身份验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在ADFS 3.0(Windows Server 2012 R2)中将RSA设置为多因素身份验证。我有2个"索赔提供商信托":

I have setup RSA as multi factor authentication in ADFS 3.0 (windows server 2012 R2). I have 2 "Claims Provider Trust":

1。 Active Directory(所以我可以使用Windows凭据登录)

1. Active Directory (so I can log in using windows credentials)

2。 Thinktecture Identity Server(因此我域外的用户可以使用提供的用户名/密码登录)

2. Thinktecture Identity Server (so users from outside of my domain can log in with provided username/passwords)

当我使用Active Directory作为身份提供者登录ADFS时,系统会提示我输入安全代码(这是预期的行为)。但是,当我使用第三方身份提供程序登录时,我已通过身份验证并重定向到依赖方应用程序。

When I login to the ADFS using Active Directory as identity provider I am prompted for Security Code (which is the expected behavior). However when I log in using a third party identity provider, I am authenticated and redirected to relying party application. I was expecting that multi-factor authentication would work for all Claims Provider Trusts.

在多因素身份验证全局设置中指定外部网和内部网都需要MFA。不知道为什么它不适用于Active Directory以外的身份提供者。

In Multi-Factor authentication global settings specified that MFA is required for both extranet and intranet. Any idea why it does not work for identity provider other than Active Directory.


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07-28 04:43