我有一个IOS应用程序,我想确保我最少使用API请求到parse.com,因为免费套餐有30 /秒的请求限制。有人可以澄清,如果在一个方法调用[PFObject saveAll:NSArray]中保存不同的PFObject,则相当于1个API调用或多个API调用。
I have an IOS app and I want to make sure I minimally use the API request to parse.com due to the 30/sec request limitation on the free tier. Could some one please clarify if saving disparate PFObjects in one method call "[PFObject saveAll:NSArray]" amounts to 1 API call or multiple API calls.
我需要一个明确的答案,因为互联网上的任何地方都没有明确的答案。 Parse.com支持请帮助,因为我想以不同的方式对实现进行编码,如果它考虑了许多API请求,在这种情况下,当我单独保存每个pfObject时,我将确保我有更好的错误处理。
I need a definite answer since there is no clear answer anywhere on the interwebs. Parse.com support please help since I want to code the implementation differently if it accounts for many API requests in which case I will make sure I have better error handling when I save each pfObject separately.
From what I have seen using Parse, saving many PFObjects accounts as 1 API call.
然而,我不知道的是,如果一次保存的对象数量有任何限制,仍然被视为1 API调用。
However, the thing I don't know about is that if there are any limits on the number of objects to be saved at once and still be considered as 1 API call.
Also I recommend that you test it yourself. Try saving multiple objects at once and see how your API calls number change in the dashboard.
Please note that batch operations will fail as a whole if one object fails (e.g. object does not exist).
这篇关于Parse.com - 在PFObject上保存所有它会占用1个API调用吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!