Here by "simple", I mean a class with non-virtual empty destructor or POD type.
char buffer[SIZE];
T *p = new(buffer) T;
p->~T(); // <---- always ?
如果我们不在 p
What happens if we don't call the explicit destructor on p
? I don't think it is undefined behavior or memory leak.
Is there any problem with reusing buffer
For a POD-type or a class with a trivial destructor: no. The lifetime of the object will end when the storage for the object is released or reused. You don't have to call the destructor explicitly if you don't want to.
That said, there's no reason not to. For a type with a trivial destructor the destructor call will generate no code.
If, by a class with an "empty" destructor you are allowing the possibility the class has members or base classes with non-trivial destructors then you may get undefined behaviour if your program relies on these destructors being called.
请注意,用户提供的析构函数是一个非平凡的即使它是非虚拟的并且是空的。尽管这样,你仍然被允许通过简单释放或重用它的存储器来结束一个对象的生命周期,只要你的程序不依赖于析构函数的任何副作用。 (见ISO / IEC 14882:2011的3.8 [basic.life] / 4)
Note that a user provided destructor is a non-trivial destructor even if it is non-virtual and is empty. Despite this you are still permitted to end the lifetime of an object with such a destructor by simply releasing or reusing its storage provided that your program doesn't depend on any side effects of the destructor. (See 3.8 [basic.life] / 4 of ISO/IEC 14882:2011)
这篇关于我们需要显式调用“简单POD类”的析构函数分配“placement new”?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!