


We have a project that's compiled into a DLL called consts.dll that contains something like:

public static class Consts
    public const string a = "a";
    public const string b = "b";
    public const string c = "c";


We have multiple projects of this sort, each compiled into a DLL of the same name (consts.dll) and we replace them according to need.We have another class that uses these consts:

public class ConstsUser 
    string f() { return Consts.a; }

不幸的是, Consts.a 优化为一,所以即使我们更换Consts.dll实施,我们仍然可以得到的一,而不是正确的价值,我们需要重新编译 ConstsUser 。反正有从与他们的价值观取代了const变量阻止优化?

Unfortunately, Consts.a is optimized to "a" , so even if we replace Consts.dll implementation, we still get "a" instead of the correct value and we need to recompile ConstsUser. Is there anyway to stop the optimizer from replacing const variables with their values?



I think usage of static readonly modifiers fits your needs:

public static class Consts
    public static readonly string a = "a";
    public static readonly string b = "b";
    public static readonly string c = "c";

常量是硬编码的通话现场,所以这是你的问题。静态只读变量只能在变量声明或的静态构造函数Consts 类进行修改,也不会在电话会议上现场进行内联。

Constants are hard-coded on the call-site, so that is your problem. Static readonly variable can be modified only in variable declaration or static constructor of Consts class, and it will not be inlined on the call-site.


10-19 12:24