VS 默认创建一个遗留样式的项目.我开始手动迁移,但随后无法识别 EnvDTE 的 COM 互操作引用...
VS by default creates a legacy style project. I started manual migration, but then it fails to recognize the COM interop references for EnvDTE...
据我所知,这是可能的.目前,没有任何官方文档或博客描述如何将 vsix 项目从旧的 csproj 格式迁移到新的 sdk 格式
It's possible as I know. For now, there's no any official document or blog which describes the steps about how to migrate a vsix project from old csproj format to new sdk-format
,but at least it's a possible thing.
我们可能需要一些 msbuild hack 来实现,这是一个很棒的开源扩展 来自 JaredPar 的 VsVim 已经完成了这个试验.感谢他!.我想你可以从这个 sdk 格式的项目文件中得到一些有用的信息.
We may need some msbuild hacks to make it possible, here's one great open-source extension VsVim from JaredPar that has done this trial. Thanks to him!. I think you could get some useful info from this sdk-format project file.
另外:虽然有可能,但不建议在正式支持 sdk-format vsix 项目之前进行迁移.这样做的人可能会在 vsix 开发过程中丢失 Project=>Properties
中的一些 UI 功能.
In addition: Though it's possible, it's not recommended to do the migration before sdk-format vsix project is officially supported. Someone who does this may lose some UI features in Project=>Properties
during vsix development.
这篇关于是否可以使用 SDK 风格的项目编写 VS 扩展?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!