


How do you check if there is an internet connection using jQuery? That way I could have some conditionals saying "use the google cached version of JQuery during production, use either that or a local version during development, depending on the internet connection".




Right before your close </body> tag:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/vendor/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"><\/script>')</script>


This is probably the easiest way given that your issue is centered around jQuery.


var online = navigator.onLine;

详细了解 W3C的脱机Web应用规范,但是请注意,这将在现代Web浏览器中最好地发挥作用,而对于较旧的Web浏览器可能无法按预期运行,或者根本无法运行.

Read more about the W3C's spec on offline web apps, however be aware that this will work best in modern web browsers, doing so with older web browsers may not work as expected, or at all.


Alternatively, an XHR request to your own server isn't that bad of a method for testing your connectivity. Considering one of the other answers state that there are too many points of failure for an XHR, if your XHR is flawed when establishing it's connection then it'll also be flawed during routine use anyhow. If your site is unreachable for any reason, then your other services running on the same servers will likely be unreachable also. That decision is up to you.


I wouldn't recommend making an XHR request to someone else's service, even google.com for that matter. Make the request to your server, or not at all.

在线"的含义似乎有些混乱.考虑到互联网是一堆网络,但是有时您使用的是VPN,却无法访问一般"互联网或万维网.公司通常拥有自己的网络,这些网络与其他外部网络的连接受到限制,因此可以将您视为在线".联机仅意味着您已连接到 a 网络,而不是您尝试连接的服务的可用性或可达性.

There seems to be some confusion around what being "online" means. Consider that the internet is a bunch of networks, however sometimes you're on a VPN, without access to the internet "at-large" or the world wide web. Often companies have their own networks which have limited connectivity to other external networks, therefore you could be considered "online". Being online only entails that you are connected to a network, not the availability nor reachability of the services you are trying to connect to.


To determine if a host is reachable from your network, you could do this:

function hostReachable() {

  // Handle IE and more capable browsers
  var xhr = new ( window.ActiveXObject || XMLHttpRequest )( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );

  // Open new request as a HEAD to the root hostname with a random param to bust the cache
  xhr.open( "HEAD", "//" + window.location.hostname + "/?rand=" + Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000), false );

  // Issue request and handle response
  try {
    return ( xhr.status >= 200 && (xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304) );
  } catch (error) {
    return false;


您还可以在此处找到要点: https://gist.github.com/jpsilvashy/5725579

You can also find the Gist for that here: https://gist.github.com/jpsilvashy/5725579



Some people have commented, "I'm always being returned false". That's because you're probably testing it out on your local server. Whatever server you're making the request to, you'll need to be able to respond to the HEAD request, that of course can be changed to a GET if you want.


09-05 15:49