


Seeking an algorithm that will yield N short paths.


Does anyone have experience with an algorithm to find multiple short paths in a directed graph? My application is for language (finding synonym chains) but logically, this could be for geography, or social networks instead. I want significantly different paths, not just swapping a few nodes along the way. I would really like also if there's a way to avoid "hubs", i.e. huge airports or super-connectors; or in language, words that have a ton of meanings.


(For my application, I've solved this with Dijkstra's and A-star, but I don't have a good way yet to get multiple paths, other than changing weights after I get the first path.)


For example (if a social network), how do I find multiple paths that connect ME and YOU, with mostly different people along the way. Chances are with 4-7 points of separation, that's possible. For both language, and social networks, it's often around 6 degrees of separation. i.e. it rarely takes 20+ nodes.

我看过 Dijkstra的算法可以找到所有最短的算法可能的路径最短路径算法的变体, BFS与Dijkstra在寻找最短路径时的算法?,找到具有以下内容的最短路径A *算法-但我寻求的都不是.

I've seen Dijkstra's algorithm to find all the shortest paths possible, a variation of shortest path algorithm, What is difference between BFS and Dijkstra's algorithms when looking for shortest path?, Find several shortest paths with A* algorithm -- but none are what I seek.


Surely someone has figured this out, but I don't know what to search for.



对于社交网络来说,这是更好的选择,但是它也可以包含同义词链.我想到的算法是 Dinic的,因为它选择了扩展路径作为最短可用路径.这将使我们能够修改算法以适合您的情况.另外请注意,我们将使用整数网络流.

Network flows

This one is better for the social networks case, however it could be bent to include the synonym chains as well.The algorithm I have in mind is the Dinic's since it's augmenting paths are selected to be the shortest available paths. This will allow us to modify the algorithm to suit your case. Also note that we will be working with integer network flows.


  • 来源,下沉
  • 对于每个人p,节点p ,p 和有向边(p ,p ),容量为1.
  • 对于原始图形中的每个边(u,v),均包含一连串边(u ,x ),(x ,x ),...(x ,v ),这样链节的数量等于链节的权重.(u,v).这是为了利用Dinic发现电流的最短改进,从而惩罚了较长的链,以免过早使用
  • 对于要开始的人 a ,将(x ,x )的容量更改为路径数您希望找到的.
  • 从源到x
  • 投放容量不受限制的边
  • 将目标对象与水槽合并.(或添加适当的边缘)
  • source, sink
  • for every person p, nodes p, p and a directed edge(p, p) with the capacity of one.
  • for every edge (u,v) in your original graph a chain of edges (u, x), (x, x), ... (x, v) so that the number of the chain links equals the weight of the (u, v). This is to make use of the fact that Dinic finds the shortest improvement to the current flow so this penalizes the longer chains from being used too early.
  • For the person a you want to start with, change the capacity of (x, x) to the number of paths you wish to find.
  • Ad an edge with unlimited capacity from the source to x
  • Merge your target person with the sink. (Or add the appropriate edges)


Run the Dinic's algorithm. The resulting flow will consist of the maximal number of disjunct paths. If you terminate the algorithm soon enough, these will likely be quite short since that is what the algorithm starts with. However since the network flow in the graph we constructed attempts to maximize the number of disjunct paths, it will start to prefer the longer ones if it improves the count. That is why you might want to limit the capacity of the first node's edge.

请注意,如果您有未加权的图形,则边缘(u ,v )就足够了.

Bigger capacities won't work for this case because it would just increase the flow through the shortest path uniformly. However you can try to tweak some of the edges if you wish to allow at least few hubs or if your branching starts later.
Note that if you have unweighted graph, then the edge (u, v) will be enough.
Or infinity if you wish to find all of them. This would likely come with the cost of them no longer being reasonably short.


09-03 10:25