


Via VSTS I am trying to automate the following process which is currently performed manually:

  1. 在VS 2017中执行发布到文件系统.
  2. 在web.config中设置设置.
  3. 重复1和2,对于每种环境,例如测试,UAT,生产等
  4. 将这些文件复制到FTP服务器.
  5. 登录到安全的基础结构,从FTP下载文件,然后将其复制到IIS目标服务器上.

安全基础结构已被锁定,并且互联网访问受到限制. FTP被用作将文件移入该基础结构的一种方式.

The secure infrastructure is locked down, and has limited internet access. The FTP is used as a way to move files into that infrastructure.

在这个问题中,我特别想讨论元素; 1、2和3.

Within this question I specifically want to address elements; 1, 2, and 3.

我遇到的困难是,VSTS似乎已设置为将Web应用程序部署到Azure网站或可公开访问的IIS中.虽然IIS是我的最终目标,但最初我希望实现文件系统部署-与VS 2017相似.

The struggle I am having is that VSTS seems setup to deploy web apps into Azure Web Sites or publicly accessible IIS. Whilst IIS is my eventual target, initially I was hoping to achieve a file system deployment - similar to what VS 2017 provides.

我曾尝试使用MSBuild创建一个程序包,方法是: /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true.

I have tried using MSBuild to create a package, using; /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true.

然后MSDeploy将软件包解压缩到文件夹msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:package="Package.zip" -dest:contentPath="content"中.

Then MSDeploy to extract the package into a folder msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:package="Package.zip" -dest:contentPath="content".

但是会导致以下错误Source (sitemanifest) and destination (contentPath) are not compatible for the given operation.

看起来我可以在构建时使用MSBuild和/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=VSTS部署到文件夹,但这在VSTS的结构中似乎有点尴尬.例如.我必须针对每种环境重复构建解决方案.

It looks like I can use MSBuild and /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=VSTS to deploy to a folder at build time, but that seems a little awkward within the structure of VSTS. E.g. I have to repeatedly build the solution for each environment.


After I have the solution deployed into a folder, I intend to use VSTS to push to FTP.

是否有更好的方法可以做到这一点?例如; VSTS Azure部署提供了轻松设置连接字符串参数的功能.

Is there a better way to do this? For example; VSTS Azure deploy provides the ability to easily set connection sting parameters.



You can achieve what you want to do with the FTP Upload build/release task.


1 - You don't have to publish to the file system.Just create a new build definition based on asp.net application template:


This will add the tasks you need to build and package and as a final step to publish the artifacts to a drop location.


After you published it to a drop location you can either continue on build by adding the ftp task or you could add the ftp task to a release pipeline. This is up to you.


The ftp upload task then needs to be added after the publish artifacts task, like:


For 2 and 3 it is best that you use a release pipeline, where you can add several environments and tasks to it. That you can add your ftp task and get it from artifact (your build) that you will add to the release. The web.config settings can also be changed using release tasks.


08-24 15:54