本文介绍了如何禁用的Django / mod_wsgi的页面缓存的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have Django running in Apache via mod_wsgi. I believe Django is caching my pages server-side, which is causing some of the functionality to not work correctly.


I have a countdown timer that works by getting the current server time, determining the remaining countdown time, and outputting that number to the HTML template. A javascript countdown timer then takes over and runs the countdown for the user.


The problem arises when the user refreshes the page, or navigates to a different page with the countdown timer. The timer appears to jump around to different times sporadically, usually going back to the same time over and over again on each refresh.


Using HTTPFox, the page is not being loaded from my browser cache, so it looks like either Django or Apache is caching the page. Is there any way to disable this functionality? I'm not going to have enough traffic to worry about caching the script output. Or am I completely wrong about why this is happening?


From the posts below, it looks like caching is disabled in Django, which means it must be happening elsewhere, perhaps in Apache?

我有什么正在发生的事情进行更彻底的说明:对于向服务器发出的第7(左右)的请求,该页面由脚本提供,而且回来了,虽然每次的7页似乎是缓存为后来出现了。 8号请求,服务器提供向上的第一页。在第9个请求时,它在一个周期提供了第二页,等等。这一直持续到我重启apache,当进程再次开始。

I have a more thorough description of what is happening: For the first 7 (or so) requests made to the server, the pages are rendered by the script and returned, although each of those 7 pages seems to be cached as it shows up later. On the 8th request, the server serves up the first page. On the 9th request, it serves up the second page, and so on in a cycle. This lasts until I restart apache, when the process starts over again.


I have configured mod_wsgi to run only one process at a time, which causes the timer to reset to the same value in every case. Interestingly though, there's another component on my page that displays a random image on each request, using order('?'), and that does refresh with different images each time, which would indicate the caching is happening in Django and not in Apache.


In light of the previous edit, I went back and reviewed the relevant views.py file, finding that the countdown start variable was being set globally in the module, outside of the view functions. Moving that setting inside the view functions resolved the problem. So it turned out not to be a caching issue after all. Thanks everyone for your help on this.



From my experience with mod_wsgi in Apache, it is highly unlikely that they are causing caching. A couple of things to try:

  1. 这是可能的,你有你的电脑,这是适当或不适当缓存Web服务器之间的一些页面。有时,互联网服务提供商运行代理服务器,以减少他们的网络之外的带宽。能否请您为这是获得高速缓存(萤火虫能为你们给这些)页面的HTTP标头。头,我会特别有兴趣在包括缓存控制,过期,最后修改,和ETag。

  2. 您可以从您的settings.py文件发表您的MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES。这可能是你有对你进行高速缓存的中间件。

  3. 您可以grep你的code以下项目的加载缓存,django.core.cache和cache_page。 A *的grep -R搜索**会工作。

  4. 请问settings.py(或任何其进口,如从localsettings导入*)包括CACHE_BACKEND?

  5. 当你重新启动Apache会发生什么? (例如须藤服务apache和重启)。如果启动将清除问题,那么它可能是阿帕奇做缓存(这是可能的,这也明确了locmen Django的缓存后端)

  1. It is possible that you have some proxy server between your computer and the web server that is appropriately or inappropriately caching pages. Sometimes ISPs run proxy servers to reduce bandwidth outside their network. Can you please provide the HTTP headers for a page that is getting cached (Firebug can give these to you). Headers that I would specifically be interested in include Cache-Control, Expires, Last-Modified, and ETag.
  2. Can you post your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES from your settings.py file. It possible that you have a Middleware that performs caching for you.
  3. Can you grep your code for the following items "load cache", "django.core.cache", and "cache_page". A *grep -R "search" ** will work.
  4. Does the settings.py (or anything it imports like "from localsettings import *") include CACHE_BACKEND?
  5. What happens when you restart apache? (e.g. sudo services apache restart). If a restart clears the issue, then it might be apache doing caching (it is possible that this could also clear out a locmen Django cache backend)

这篇关于如何禁用的Django / mod_wsgi的页面缓存的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 07:10