public class Notification extends FirebaseMessagingService {
private static final String TAG =MyFirebaseNotification;
public void onMessageReceived(final RemoteMessage remoteMessage){
Map< String,String>数据= NULL;
adb shell dumpsys包MY-PACKAGE | grep停止
如果您可以阅读 stopped = true
这意味着您的设备制造商实施了非标准行为,其中包含强行停止应用程序。 code> force-stopping 与禁用应用程序非常相似,直到用户再次打开它为止。
public class Notification extends FirebaseMessagingService {
private static final String TAG = "MyFirebaseNotification";
public void onMessageReceived(final RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Map<String, String> data=null;
Log.v(TAG,"notification Received");
Method is not being called when application got killed. How do i receive notifications even if the app is killed,not in foreground or background.
Please check the following command while your app is closed (after a reboot or after swiping)
adb shell dumpsys package MY-PACKAGE | grep stopped
if you can read stopped=true
it means that the manufacturer of your device implemented a non standard behavior consisting in "force-stopping" applications when they are swiped.
is very similar to disabling the app until the user opens it again.while the app is in that state many android behaviors will not work (broadcasts, alarms..)
If this is the root cause of behavior you are seeing you should contact the manufacturer and request that they fix the device by removing this non-standard behavior