


I'm a strong developer in some niche languages, and am organically learning C#, so trying to learn what are the best practices.


Can I get some feedback on what's best for the following sample code block where I'm building a Shopify integration for example.

namespace WMShopify
    // Is it common to have the namespace and class the same?
    public class WMShopify
        // Are there different practices for private/public vars?
        public string APIKey { get; set; } // Capital
        public string password { get; set; } // lower case
        public string secretString { get; set; } // Camel
        private string _combinedVar; // Camel/underscore for private

    // Should these be in a separate *.cs file?
    public class WMShopifyOrders
        // Method capital/lower/camel?
        public int getOrderCount()
            // lower/capital/camel?
            int localMemberVar = 0;

            return localMemberVar;

    // Should these be in a separate *.cs file?
    public class WMShopifyProducts
        public List<string> getProductList()
            return new List<string>();



Best practice: Come up with a standard that everyone agrees on and follows.


namespace WMShopify
    // Is it common to have the namespace and class the same?

    //No, namespace should probably be the name of the project itself.
    public class WMShopify

    //this looks like a configuration class
        // Are there different practices for private/public vars?
        public string APIKey { get; set; } // Capital
        public string password { get; set; } // lower case
        public string secretString { get; set; } // Camel
        private string _combinedVar; // Camel/underscore for private

    // Should these be in a separate *.cs file?
    // I like to separate them because what happens when you have 100 classes, you just scroll forever?
    public class WMShopifyOrders
        // Method capital/lower/camel?
        // I prefer capital
        public int getOrderCount()
            // lower/capital/camel? Sure
            int localMemberVar = 0;

            return localMemberVar;

    // Should these be in a separate *.cs file? Yup
    public class WMShopifyProducts
        public List<string> getProductList()
            return new List<string>();


10-16 07:38