本文介绍了在 windows7 上禁用 Ctrl+Alt+Del 组合的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个应用程序(用 C# 编写),该应用程序具有在 KIOSK 模式下运行的设置.我在这里只是一个挑战,即禁用 ++ 组合事件.

I'm working on an app (Written in C#) that have a setting to run on KIOSK mode. I've just an challenge here which is disabling ++ combination Event.


There is no right answer in the similar past posts. Please let me know about the right action.Considering, my code is working with registry keys to disable/enable options, if you know any registry key,it will be more helpful.


++是安全注意序列 的 Windows NT(及其衍生产品,如 Win7).它是保证引起操作系统注意的一个组合键.SAS 的全部意义在于它不能被用户程序拦截或停止.

++ is the secure attention sequence of Windows NT (and its derivatives like Win7). It is the one key combination that is guaranteed to get the OS's attention. The whole point of the SAS is that it can't be intercepted or stopped by user programs.

它解决的一个安全问题是虚假登录屏幕:考虑一个看起来与正常 Windows 登录屏幕完全一样的屏幕.光是看就无法判断它是假的.但是,如果您习惯在登录前总是按 ++ (有一个选项总是需要它对于合法屏幕),在虚假登录屏幕上按 SAS 将调出任务管理器或安全注意屏幕(带有注销、更改密码等选项).真正的登录屏幕不会那样做;它只是停留在屏幕上.只要操作系统本身没有被替换或损坏,++ 将保护您免受虚假登录屏幕的影响.如果用户程序可以拦截 SAS,那它就没有任何价值了.

One security issue it addresses is that of a false login screen: consider a screen that looks exactly like the normal Windows login screen. There's no way to tell that it's a fake just by looking at it. But, if you're in the habit of always pressing ++ before logging in (there is an option to always require it for the legitimate screen), pressing the SAS on a false login screen will bring up task manager or the secure attention screen (with the log off, change password, etc options). The real login screen doesn't do that; it just stays there on the screen. As long as the OS itself isn't replaced or compromised, ++ will protect you from false login screens. If a user program could intercept the SAS, it wouldn't be worth anything.

SAS 从一开始就融入到 Windows NT 设计中(它是在 1993 年的第一个版本中),所以要绕过它并不容易.我确信有键盘过滤器驱动程序 - 或拦截该序列的东西 - 专为信息亭使用而设计.

The SAS was baked into the Windows NT design right from the beginning (it was in the first release in 1993), so getting around it won't be easy. I'm sure there are keyboard filter drivers-- or something to intercept that sequence-- that are designed for kiosk use.

这篇关于在 windows7 上禁用 Ctrl+Alt+Del 组合的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-28 01:15