本文介绍了Skype 安装后 XAMPP apache 服务器未启动的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am getting following console logs:

1:14:33 PM  [apache]    Possible problem detected!
1:14:33 PM  [apache]    Port 80 in use by "c:\program files (x86)\skype\phone\skype.exe"!
1:14:33 PM  [apache]    Possible problem detected!
1:14:33 PM  [apache]    Port 443 in use by "c:\program files (x86)\skype\phone\skype.exe"!
1:14:33 PM  [main]  Starting Check-Timer
1:14:33 PM  [main]  Control Panel Ready
1:15:10 PM  [apache]    Starting apache app...
1:15:11 PM  [apache]    Status change detected: running
1:15:11 PM  [apache]    Status change detected: stopped


It says 'Status change detected: running' to 'stopped' right away.I have tried to:

  • 关闭内部网络的 Windows 防火墙
  • 在 httpd.conf 文件中的两个位置将端口 80 更改为 99 Listen:80 和 ServerName localhost:80
  • 将 httpd.conf 文件中相同的两个位置的端口 443 更改为 445.
  • Apache 服务器未作为 Windows 服务安装在我的机器上.
  • 没有为今天的日期生成错误或访问日志.


这发生在我通过 Skype 与某人合作时,因此关闭 Skype 不是一个选项.

This happened to me while collaborating with someone over Skype, so closing Skype was not an option.

一种可能的解决方案是更改 XAMPP 用于 Apache 的端口.

One possible solution is changing the port XAMPP is using for Apache.

转到 XAMPP 控制面板,单击 Apache 模块的 Config,然后单击 Apache (httpd.conf).

Go to the XAMPP Control Panel, click Config for the Apache module and then Apache (httpd.conf).

点击 Apache 模块的配置">

这现在将在 XAMPP 设置中配置的编辑器中打开配置文件(Windows 默认为 notepad.exe).打开搜索工具,搜索80.端口号 80 中应该有两行包含 80:

This will now open the configuration file in the editor that is configured in the XAMPP settings (Windows default is notepad.exe). Open the search tool and search for 80. There should be two lines containing 80 as in the port number 80:

Listen 80
ServerName localhost:80

现在用一个开放的端口替换 80.我使用了 8080.

Now replace 80 with an open port. I used 8080.

Listen 8080
ServerName localhost:8080

2.更改 Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)

需要对 SSL 配置重复相同的过程.重复上述步骤,但转到 Apache (httpd-ssl.conf).替换以下行中的端口号:

2. Change Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)

The same procedure needs to be repeated with the SSL configuration. Repeat the steps above but go to Apache (httpd-ssl.conf). Replace the port numbers in the following lines:

Listen 443
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
ServerName www.example.com:443


完成.单击启动 Apache,Apache 应该可以正常启动.不过,在我看来,错误仍然会出现.

Done. Click Start for Apache and Apache should start fine. On my end, the errors would still show up, though.

这篇关于Skype 安装后 XAMPP apache 服务器未启动的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-28 01:02