


Follow-up from my post yesterday (Enabling cURL with PHP)

问题是PHP无法加载php_curl.dll。我已经尝试了几个步骤,包括取消注释 extension = php_curl.dll ,确保依赖关系 libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll 在路径中的eixst,重新下载php_curl.dll,替换旧的,最后将文件复制到我的System32文件夹。

The problem is that PHP isn't able to load php_curl.dll. I've tried several steps including uncommenting extension=php_curl.dll, making sure the dependencies libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll eixst in the path, re-downloading php_curl.dll, replacing the old one, and lastly copying the file into my System32 folder.

我使用Apache 2.2和PHP 5.4.14。我安装了他们各自的包;我不使用XAMP或WAMP。我使用Windows 7 64位。

I'm using Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.4.14. I installed both using their individual packages; I'm not using XAMP or WAMP. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit.



libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll 必须能够路径访问 php_curl.dll 加载成功。

libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll have to be path-accessible for php_curl.dll loading to succeed.

但将其复制到Apache的 ServerRoot ,Apache的 \bin\ ,窗口 \System32 \ ,甚至更糟糕的是进入Windows主目录是一个坏的黑客,甚至可能无法使用较新的PHP版本。

But copying them into Apache's ServerRoot, Apache's \bin\, Window's \System32\, or even worse into the Windows main directory is a bad hack and may not even work with newer PHP versions.

正确的方法是将PHP路径添加到Windows Path 变量。在控制面板 - > System 点击高级系统设置,然后使用环境变量按钮。在系统变量下,您可以找到路径变量。编辑它,并将; C:\PHP 附加到它 - 或者PHP文件夹的路径。然后完全停止Apache并再次启动(一个简单的重新启动可能不够)。

The right way to do it is to add the PHP path to the Windows Path variable. In Control Panel -> System click on Advanced System Settings and use the button Environment Variables. Under System Variables you will find the Path variable. Edit it and append ;C:\PHP to it - or whatever the path to your PHP folder is. Then fully stop Apache and start it again (a simple restart might not be enough).


07-28 00:35