

我确定我没有完全理解这个问题,但它似乎我们在我的项目上看到了IE9上的奇怪行为,它与JavaScript的乱序执行有关已通过调用注入到 document.write ,例如:

I am sure I don't fully understand this problem, but it seems that we are seeing strange behavior on IE9 on my project, somehow related to out-of-order execution of JavaScript that has been injected via calls to document.write, e.g.:

document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="'+file1+'"></src'+'ipt>');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="'+file2+'"></src'+'ipt>');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="'+file3+'"></src'+'ipt>');


My limited Google research suggests that IE9 will execute scripts injected in this manner in a different order from other browsers (notably, Firefox and Chrome). Is there a better way to achieve what we're going for here, which will ensure the same execution order by all browsers?


I take that back: we don't really care about all browsers, just Chrome and IE9.


使用脚本加载器我写了一个:),它将标准化各种浏览器中所有不同的加载特性。和奖金:它不使用那个神奇的document.write()。 LABjs将允许您异步(并行)加载所有脚本,但要确保它们按正确的顺序执行。听起来基本上就是你想要的。

Use a script loader (like the one I wrote: LABjs), which will normalize all the different quirks of loading across the various browsers. And bonus: it doesn't use that god-awful document.write(). LABjs will let you load all your scripts asynchronously (in parallel), but make sure they execute in the proper order. Sounds like basically exactly what you want.
