I have a directory which contains files and a number of levels of subdirectories:
我想将 C:Source 的内容移动到:
I would like to move the contents of C:Source into:
- 所有文件和所有子目录内 C:SourceData 必须移动
- 我将在一个批处理文件
- 我无法使用 Powershell 或任何其他脚本语言
- All files and all subdirectorieswithin C:SourceData must be moved
- I will be running the command in abatch file
- I can't use Powershell orany other scripting languages
尝试 0
XCOPY /E "C:Source" "C:Destination"
This works perfectly, but it copies instead of moves. I can't copy then delete the source as I'm moving a very large set of files and there isn't enough disk space to have two copies of them at a time.
尝试 1
MOVE "C:Source" "C:Destination"
这会将整个 C:Source 目录移动到 C:Destination 所以我最终得到:
This moves the entire C:Source directory into C:Destination so I end up with:
尝试 2
With some help from this question and accepted answer I came up with:
for /r "C:Source" %%x in (*) do move "%%x" "C:Destination"
这会移动 C:Source 中的文件,但不会移动子目录或其内容.请注意,我在批处理文件中使用了 %%x 而不是 %x.
This moves the files within C:Source but not the subdirectories or their contents. Note that I used %%x instead of %x as I'm using it in a batch file.
使用 FOR 似乎很有前途,但我不确定我是否使用了正确的语法?我错过了什么吗?
Using FOR seems promising but I'm not sure I've used the right syntax? Have I missed something?
尝试 3
按照 Nick D 的建议,我尝试重命名:
As suggested by Nick D, I tried rename:
RENAME "C:Source" Destination
对于我给出的示例场景,这很好用.不幸的是,我真正的 Destination 目录与 Source 目录位于不同的级别,并且这似乎不受支持:
For the example scenario I gave this works fine. Unfortunately my real Destination directory is at a different level to the Source directory and this doesn't seem to be supported:
C:>REN /?
Renames a file or files.
RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.
Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination file.
I get "The syntax of the command is incorrect." errors if I try to specify a more complex destination path, for example:
RENAME "C:Source" "C:MyOtherDirectoryDestination"
RENAME "C:Source" "MyOtherDirectoryDestination"
Adjusted code to a. check whether folders already exist at the destination, in which case move files in that folder over (and continue traversing the source directory structure), otherwise move the folder wholesale.
At the end of the script the source folder is removed altogether to eliminate these folders which have had their files moved over to an already existent folder at the destination (meaning these folders have been emptied but not deleted at the source).
Additionally we check whether a folder is both empty and already exists at the destination in which case we do nothing (and leave the source folder to be deleted to the last line of the script). Not doing this results in "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." errors.
Phew! Please let me know how you get on with this! I have tested this and it seems to be working well.
for /d /r "c:source" %%i in (*) do if exist "c:destination\%%~ni" (dir "%%i" | find "0 File(s)" > NUL & if errorlevel 1 move /y "%%i*.*" "c:destination\%%~ni") else (move /y "%%i" "c:destination")
move /y c:source*.* c:destination
rd /s /q c:source