

本文介绍了WPF ComboBox SelectedItem在TabControl开关上设置为Null的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've got a simple problem in my WPF application which has me banging my head on the table. I have a TabControl, where every TabItem is a View generated for a ViewModel using a DataTemplate similar to this:

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:FooViewModel}">


FooView contains a ComboBox:

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=BarList}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedBar}"/>

和FooViewModel包含一个简单的属性:public Bar SelectedBar { get; set; }.我的问题是,当我为ComboBox设置值时,切换到另一个选项卡,然后再改回来,ComboBox再次为空.如果我在属性的设置器上设置断点,则当我切换到另一个选项卡时,会看到该属性已分配给null.

and FooViewModel contains a simple Property: public Bar SelectedBar { get; set; }. My problem is that when I set the value for my ComboBox, change to another tab, then change back, the ComboBox is empty again. If I set a breakpoint on the setter for my property, I see that the property is assigned to null when I switch to another tab.

据我了解,切换选项卡时,会将其从VisualTree中删除-但是为什么将ViewModel的属性设置为null?这使我很难保持持久状态,并且检查value != null似乎不是正确的解决方案.任何人都可以在这种情况下摆脱困境吗?

From what I understand, when a tab is switched, it is removed from the VisualTree - but why is it setting my ViewModel's property to null? This is making it very difficult for me to hold persistent state, and checking value != null does not seem like the right solution. Can anyone shed some like on this situation?


The call stack at the setter breakpoint only shows [External Code] - no hints there.



we just ran into the same problem. We found a blog entry describing the problem. It looks like it is a bug in WPF and there is a workaround:Specify the SelectedItem binding before the ItemsSource binding and the problem should be gone.



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07-28 00:04