



我已经创建了 AppleScript ,对其进行了测试并将其保存为.app,并且可以正常运行.

I have created my AppleScript, tested it, saved it as an .app and it works.


Now, how do I set a custom icon for it?


I have done a bit of googling and tried a few different things but cannot get it to work. The app is mainly for me and maybe some people I know to make workflows easier so having a nice little icon makes a huge difference.Can anyone help with this please?


  • 基本上,您需要一个.icns图标文件.
  • 右键单击> Show Package Contents
  • 打开您的应用程序
  • 导航到Contents > Resources
  • 删除applet.icns
  • 将自定义图标文件拖到Resources文件夹中
  • Resources中的图标文件重命名为applet.icns
  • 要更新图标外观,请在脚本编辑器中打开并重新保存小程序.
    • Basically you need an .icns icon file.
    • Open your application with right-click > Show Package Contents
    • Navigate to Contents > Resources
    • Delete applet.icns
    • Drag the custom icon file into the Resources folder
    • Rename the icon file in Resources to applet.icns
    • To update the icon appearance open and re-save the applet in Script Editor.
    • 这篇关于自定义Applescript应用程序图标的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-28 00:01