



我们使用 NugetPowerTools PackageRestore 避免放置我们的svn中的packages文件夹.这可以使用Visual Studio和MSBuild构建.NET项目.它还可以使用Visual Studio构建Silverlight项目.

We use NugetPowerTools PackageRestore to avoid putting our packages folder in svn. This works building .NET projects with Visual Studio and MSBuild. It also works building Silverlight projects with Visual Studio.


However, when we use MSBuild to build Silverlight projects, the build fails. This appears to have to do with the tasks in Microsoft.Silverlight.Common.targets. Looking at the MSBuild output, it appears to get to the step GetXapOutputFile before it errors. Something either in that step, or after that step, is looking for the packages, but the package restore does not run until after all of this. Building a second time will succeed.

与在Visual Studio中按构建而不是在运行MSBuild相比有什么不同?我是否缺少命令行开关?

What is different from pressing build in Visual Studio than running MSBuild? Is there a command line switch I am missing?


If that won't work, is there some way I can change the NuGet.targets created by NuGetPowerTools or something I can put in my csproj file that will switch the order these steps are run?

我正在运行MSBuild Solution.sln /target:Clean;Rebuild


我已经将NuGet更新到v1.6,删除了NuGetPowerTools的所有痕迹,并且现在使用内置的Package Restore选项.我仍然收到此错误.

I've update NuGet to v1.6, removed all traces of NuGetPowerTools and I am now using the built in Package Restore option. I am still getting this error.


有关此问题的讨论再次出现.我现在已经使用NuGet v2.0对此进行了测试,并且这种情况仍在发生.

A discussion around this issue has come up again. I've tested this now with NuGet v2.0 and it is still happening.


此问题已在NuGet v2.1.31002.9028中得到纠正.详细信息可以在此提交中找到.

This has been corrected in NuGet v2.1.31002.9028. The details can be found in this commit.

对于现有解决方案,您需要从解决方案中删除./nuget/NuGet.targets.通过Windows资源管理器执行此操作.通过Visual Studio删除它只会从您的解决方案中删除该文件,而将使文件独自保留.

For existing solutions, you will need to delete ./nuget/NuGet.targets from your solution. Do this through Windows Explorer. Deleting it through Visual Studio will only remove the file from your solution, it will leave the file alone.


Once you have done this, right click on your solution and select "Enable Package Restore". This will recreate NuGet.targets with the fix.


07-27 23:50