

本文介绍了有没有办法从编译的EXE(使用Quest PowerGUI)正确访问isnetworkdeployed属性?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个包装在exe中的小PowerShell脚本(使用Quest Power GUI).然后使用mageUI.exe(即通过"ClickOnce"部署)将该exe部署到UNC路径.

I have a small PowerShell script wrapped in an exe (using Quest Power GUI). This exe is then deployed to a UNC path using mageUI.exe (i.e. through a 'ClickOnce' deployment).


Now, there is a namespace available to us:


此命名空间使我们可以确定该工具是否是网络部署的+ exe的原始下载URL/UNC.

This namespace allows us to figure out if the tool is network deployed + the originating download URL/UNC of the exe.


So I added the following lines in my PowerShell script (which was then compiled into an exe by PowerGUI)

# Line 1. Load the assembly

# Line 2. Utilise methods in the assembly. Below line will give either false or true, depending if the caller is deployed as a 'ClickOnce' app.


After publishing this exe as a 'ClickOnce' application (using mageUI.exe), putting it on a network share, and then executing from some other server (which has access to previously said share), I still get the following output:

# Output of Line 1 (This signifies the assembly was loaded successfully)
GAC    Version        Location
---    -------        --------
True   v4.0.30319     C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Deployment\v...

# Output of Line 2

不确定我在做什么错.属性 IsNetworkDeployed (第2行)应该返回true.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. The property IsNetworkDeployed (Line 2) should have returned true.



Seeing that there is no solution using PowerGUI (since the script is extracted into a temp folder during execution), I had to do the following:

 1. Create a 'caller' / 'wrapper' executable using [PS2EXE](https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/PS2EXE-Convert-PowerShell-9e4e07f1)
 2. This executable becomes the 'entry point' while deploying as a clickOnce application.
 3. Since the 'wrapper' is executed 'in-memory', the deployment methods/properties from System.Deployment work (if it's deployed through clickOnce).
 4. There is some logic written in the wrapper exe which calls the second (which contains the actual working) executable. Ex:

    PARSE THE URL ARGS / PREPARE THE ARGS AND PASS IT TO THE SECOND EXECUTABLE (which was compiled using Quest PowerGUI previously)


I am open to any other solutions.

这篇关于有没有办法从编译的EXE(使用Quest PowerGUI)正确访问isnetworkdeployed属性?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-27 23:35