


I have a ClickOnce environment like this:

\文件服务器\ ClickOnceApps \ App1.application


C:\ Documents和Settings \用户\开始菜单\程序\发行\ app1.ap preF-MS

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Start Menu\Programs\publisher\app1.appref-ms

我的理解是的.app preF-MS文件到app.application文件一个荣耀的链接。它做什么吗?

My understanding is the .apppref-ms file is a glorified link to the app.application file. Does it do anything else?


如果您在文本编辑器中打开AP preF-MS文件,你会看到它包含的URL应用,文化,处理器架构和重点用于签名的应用程序,所以是的,它只是一个链接。

If you open the appref-ms file in a text editor you'll see it contains the Url for the application, culture, processor architecture and key used to sign the application, so yes, it's just a link.

这些应用参考文件和快捷方式(.LNK)之间的区别是应用程序引用指向原始应用程序URL,而不是在磁盘上的exe文件的位置,当你运行AP preF-MS文件系统知道如何找到在本地磁盘上的程序的副本,并运行它从那里,而无需访问URL(这是不准确的,取决于在的ClickOnce清单设置,但它是一个近似值)。

The difference between those "Application Reference" files and shortcuts (.lnk) is that the application reference points to the original application Url and not the location of the exe on disk, when you run the appref-ms file the system knows how to find the copy of the program on the local disk and run it from there without accessing the Url (this is not accurate and depends on settings in the ClickOnce manifest, but its a close approximation).


07-27 23:29