本文介绍了with_tz与时区的向量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我有一个这样的数据框: library(dplyr) data< - data_frame $ b timestamp_utc = c('2015-11-18 03:55:04','2015-11-18 03:55:08','2015-11-18 03:55:10'), local_tz = c('America / New_York','America / Los_Angeles','America / Indiana / Indianapolis')) pre> 我需要创建一个新的变量,将UTC时间戳转换为本地时间,如 local_tz 柱。但是,格式和 with_tz (来自 lubridate )期望只有一个时区,而不是时区的向量。我正在寻找这样的东西: mutate(data,timestamp_local = with_tz(timestamp_utc,tzone = local_tz)) 任何想法?解决方案 这是一种方法。结果必须是一个字符串,否则 unlist()或 c()将会将结果转回到列表中的每个元素的系统时区。 它仍然很慢,因为它没有向量化。 > get_local_time< - function(timestamp_utc,local_tz){l function(x){format(with_tz(timestamp_utc [x],local_tz [x] ),%FT%T%z)}) unlist(l)} > mutate(data,timestamp_local = get_local_time(timestamp_utc,tzone = local_tz)) 源:本地数据帧[3 x 3] timestamp_utc local_tz timestamp_local )(chr)(chr) 1 2015-11-18 03:55:04美国/纽约2015-11-17T22:55:04-0500 2 2015-11-18 03:55: 08美国/ Los_Angeles 2015-11-17T19:55:08-0800 3 2015-11-18 03:55:10美国/印第安纳州/印第安纳波利斯2015-11-17T22:55:10-0500 更新2015-11-24 使用 dplyr :: combine()而不是 unlist()允许变量保持正确的数据时间时区属性,而不是转换为字符串。 > get_local_time< - function(timestamp_utc,local_tz){l 函数(x){with_tz(timestamp_utc [x],local_tz [x])} ) combine(l)} > mutate(data,timestamp_local = get_local_time(timestamp_utc,tzone = local_tz)) 源:本地数据帧[3 x 3] timestamp_utc local_tz timestamp_local )(chr)(时间) 1 2015-11-18 03:55:04美国/纽约2015-11-17T22:55:04 2 2015-11-18 03:55:08美国/ Los_Angeles 2015-11-17T19:55:08 3 2015-11-18 03:55:10美洲/印第安纳州/印第安纳波利斯2015-11-17T22:55:10 I have a dataframe like so:library(dplyr)data <- data_frame( timestamp_utc = c('2015-11-18 03:55:04', '2015-11-18 03:55:08', '2015-11-18 03:55:10'), local_tz = c('America/New_York', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis') )I need to create a new variable that converts the UTC timestamp to the local time as defined in the local_tz column. However, both format and with_tz (from lubridate) expect only one timezone, not a vector of timezones. I'm looking for something like this:mutate(data, timestamp_local = with_tz(timestamp_utc, tzone = local_tz))Any ideas? 解决方案 Here is one method. With this, the result has to be a string, otherwise unlist() or c() will turn the result back to the system timezone for every element in the list.It's still slow though because it is not vectorized.> get_local_time <- function(timestamp_utc, local_tz) { l <- lapply(seq(length(timestamp_utc)), function(x) {format(with_tz(timestamp_utc[x], local_tz[x]), "%FT%T%z")}) unlist(l) }> mutate(data, timestamp_local = get_local_time(timestamp_utc, tzone = local_tz))Source: local data frame [3 x 3] timestamp_utc local_tz timestamp_local (time) (chr) (chr)1 2015-11-18 03:55:04 America/New_York 2015-11-17T22:55:04-05002 2015-11-18 03:55:08 America/Los_Angeles 2015-11-17T19:55:08-08003 2015-11-18 03:55:10 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2015-11-17T22:55:10-0500Update 2015-11-24Using dplyr::combine() rather than unlist() allows the variable to remain datetimes with the right timezone attributes rather than converting to strings.> get_local_time <- function(timestamp_utc, local_tz) { l <- lapply(seq(length(timestamp_utc)), function(x) {with_tz(timestamp_utc[x], local_tz[x])}) combine(l) }> mutate(data, timestamp_local = get_local_time(timestamp_utc, tzone = local_tz))Source: local data frame [3 x 3] timestamp_utc local_tz timestamp_local (time) (chr) (time)1 2015-11-18 03:55:04 America/New_York 2015-11-17T22:55:042 2015-11-18 03:55:08 America/Los_Angeles 2015-11-17T19:55:083 2015-11-18 03:55:10 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2015-11-17T22:55:10 这篇关于with_tz与时区的向量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-27 23:27