



这个问题很难用语言表达,但这是我的情况.我在名为 monsters 的数组中有几个Monster对象.每个怪物都有一个 name 属性,它是一个字符串.我有另一个名为 monsterNames 的数组,其中包含几个怪物名称(如Strings).

The question was difficult to put into words, but here is my situation. I have several Monster objects in an array called monsters. Each monster has a name property which is a String.I have a second array called monsterNames, which contains several monster names (as Strings).

我希望能够根据单个怪物对象的name属性是否出现在 monsterNames 数组中来过滤 monsters 数组中的所有怪物对象.

I want to be able to filter all the monster objects in monsters array based on whether the individual monster object's name property appears in the monsterNames array.

到目前为止,我一直在寻找解决方案,我只发现了基于单个条件进行过滤的解决方案,这使我只能基于 monsterNames 数组中的单个怪物名称进行过滤.有人可以帮我找到有效的解决方案吗?

I have been looking at solutions so far I have only found solutions that filter based on a single condition, which allows me to only filter based on a single monster name in the monsterNames array. Can anybody help me find an efficient solution to this?



let monsters: [Monster] = ...

let monsterNames: [String] = ...

let filteredMonsters = monsters.filter { monsterNames.contains($0.name) }

这不能很好地执行,因为它会遍历每个怪物的 names 数组最多 n 次,但是如果您的 names 数组很小,这不会有问题.

This doesn't perform all that well, since it will go over the names array up to n times for each monster, but if your names arrays is small, this won't be a problem.


07-27 22:49