Is there a way to call the task connectedAndroidTest and skip the uninstall task at the end of the process ?
At the end of the test execution, the app is uninstalled from the device, but I would like to keep the app on the device.
来自 http://tools .android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide#TOC-Running-tests :
- 确保已构建应用程序和测试应用程序(取决于assembleDebug和assembleDebugAndroidTest).
- 安装两个应用程序.
- 运行测试.
- 卸载两个应用程序.
- Ensure the app and the test app are built (depending on assembleDebug and assembleDebugAndroidTest).
- Install both apps.
- Run the tests.
- Uninstall both apps.
看着gradle插件的魔力,无法阻止测试任务结束时卸载应用程序.您可以在android gradle插件的SimpleTestCallable
Looking at the sorce of gradle plugin there is no way to prevent uninstalling app at the end of test task. You can check that in SimpleTestCallable
class of android gradle plugin.
From what i see there are two options to acchive what you want.
第一个是在完成连接检查后重新安装应用程序.执行此操作的命令如下所示. ./gradlew connectedCheck installDebug installDebugAndroidTest
First one is to reinstall app after your connected check is done. Command to do that would look something like this. ./gradlew connectedCheck installDebug installDebugAndroidTest
This will execute test on device and delete apps from it. But after that it will reinstall app and test app. So app will still be removed and then installed which means a bit of owerhead but at least apps will not be recompiled twice since you are executing in same gradle execution.
第二个选项是不使用gradle执行测试,而是使用adb.为此,您首先需要安装应用程序并通过gradle测试应用程序../gradlew installDebug installDebugAndroidTest
Second option is to not use gradle for executing tests but use adb instead.To do this you first need to install app and test app through gradle../gradlew installDebug installDebugAndroidTest
之后,您可以通过adb执行测试.通过校准adb shell am instrument -w com.example.test/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner
After that you can execute tests through adb. by caling adb shell am instrument -w com.example.test/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner
When this is done you can run your cli tests since both app and test app are still installed.
With second approach you would lose all the benefits of executing test wit gradle. Such as code coverage and executing in multiple proceses, etc.