


 现在的DateTime = DateTime.Now; 

// ...

// ...

.Compare 返回指示一审是否比以前的相同或晚于第二个实例的一个整数(-1,0,1)。

我的问题是,我为什么要使用 .Compare 时,我可以使用关系运算符(< < = == > = > )直接?在我看来,使用 .Compare ,我需要使用关系运算符呢(至少在上面的例子中,我也可以创建一个switch语句的案件进行审查-1,0 1)。

什么情况下,宁愿或者要求 DateTime.Compare的使用()


通常,用于排序,而不是做对类型 .Compare 方法


IComparable的< T> 接口,支持一个类型时,让很多框架类的集合正确排序(如列表< T>的.sort ,例如)。

这是说,如果你希望能够做一个泛型类或方法中的一个比较,限制您的泛型参数到实现类型 IComparable的 IComparable的< T> 将允许您使用 .Compare()因为当一个具体类型是未知的比较。

Here are two ways of comparing two DateTimes:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime then = new DateTime(2008, 8, 1);

// Method 1
if (DateTime.Compare(then, now) < 0)
    // ...

// Method 2
if (then < now)
    // ...

.Compare returns an integer (-1,0,1) indicating whether the first instance is earlier than, the same as, or later than the second instance.

My question is, why would I use .Compare when I can use relational operators (<,<=,==,>=,>) directly? It seems to me, using .Compare, I need to employ relational operators anyway (at least in the above example; alternatively I could create a switch statement examining cases -1, 0 and 1).

What situations would prefer or require usage of DateTime.Compare()?


Typically, the .Compare methods on types are used for Sorting, not for doing direct comparisons.

The IComparable<T> interface, when supported on a type, allows many framework classes to sort collections correctly (such as List<T>.Sort, for example).

That being said, if you want to be able to do a comparison within a generic class or method, restricting your generic arguments to types which implement IComparable or IComparable<T> will allow you to use .Compare() for comparisons when a concrete type is unknown.


07-27 22:41