


I have defined customized settings in a file called scip.set and put in in myscipdir/settings.


limits/time = 86400
limit/memory = 61440
lp/threads = 6


However, SCIP doesn't seems to load the customized settings, instead,

  1. 使用默认设置(请参见附图),并且
  2. 在/check/results目录下找不到参数文件.

我可以知道执行此操作的正确方法是什么吗?我可以从make test命令行设置时间和内存限制,但是我还需要设置更多的线程数.

May I know what is the correct way to do this? I can set both time and memory limits from make test command line, but I'd also need to set a higher number of threads.


Note that in the figure, SCIP said "user parameter file scip.set not found - using default parameters", this is misleading, because in the next line, it said "loaded parameter file ...".If scip.set is really not in /settings, SCIP pops up an error saying that file not found and aborts.


还有更多.我记得您使用SCIP的make test功能运行自动化测试(顺便提一下,您应该始终在问题中提及).您提供的设置将被读入,但随后会被覆盖(与往常一样,神奇的情况是在"check/configuration_tmpfile_setup_scip.sh"中,另请参见).

There is more than that. I remember you run automated tests using the make test functionalities of SCIP (which you should always mention in your question, by the way). The settings you provide are read in, but then overwritten again (magic happens, as always, in "check/configuration_tmpfile_setup_scip.sh", see also your related question).


You instead have to pass these particular configuration parameters as options to make like this:

make test TIME=86400 THREADS=6 MEM=61440 [optional: SETTINGS=scip]


If you do not pass these flags, they (currently) default to

  • TIME = 3600
  • MEM = 6144
  • THREADS = 1

您可以在"make/make.project"下找到定义.在必要的). php"rel =" nofollow noreferrer>如何运行自动化测试.

You find the definitions under "make/make.project". Some more available (in your case maybe read necessary) options are found in the section "Advanced Options" on How to run automated tests.


This is a way to prevent you from accidentally using settings with undesired time limits (maybe even infinite limits) when you do automated tests. I admit that this might seem a bit complicated. Although the approach has saved us an almost infinite amount of CPU processing time, we have it on our agenda to facilitate both the testing system as well as its accessibility.


Your bonus question about the behaviour of SCIP reading in settings files: The confusion comes because you named your settings "scip.set". Every time you open an interactive shell, SCIP will look for customized settings in the current working directory of this name, but use default settings if such a file does not exist. If, however, you specify a settings file via the SETTINGS-flag, but if the test script fails to locate this file in the settings directory, the script aborts to save you computation time with non-existent settings.

顺便说一句:由于您将SoPlex用作LP解算器,因此您无需理会LP线程号; SoPlex是单线程的.

By the way: Since you are using SoPlex as LP solver, You do not need to bother about the LP thread number; SoPlex is single-threaded.


08-23 10:11