Apple忠于其极高的专有精神,要求用于iOS开发人员程序的证书必须与Mac一起生成. (作为.certSigningRequest文件)
Apple, faithful to its extremely proprietary spirit, requires certificates used for iOS developer program to be generated with a mac. (as a .certSigningRequest file)
很显然,他们以某种方式为这些密钥使用了标准,所以我的问题是:.certSigningRequest是什么样的?有人可以共享其文件的受审查版本吗? (同时保持相同的长度)
Obviously, they somehow use a standard for these keys, so my question is:What does a .certSigningRequest look like? Could someone share a censured version of their file? (while keeping same length)
Then, I am sure we can figure out a way to generate the same thing with openssl, and eventually edit the csr file to make it match the format required by apple.
Ah, in fact it is strictly the same format than the files generated with openssl.I just use to generate always 4096 and I did not expect apple to use 2048 only.
So to generate a set of keys for ios developer:
openssl genrsa -out ios-dev.key 2048
openssl req -new -key ios-dev.key -out ios-dev.csr
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