本文介绍了JPA和Bean Validation的唯一约束的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想在Bean Validation中使用 @Unique 约束,但标准不提供。如果我使用JPA的 @UniqueConstraint ,我就没有独特的验证和错误报告机制。

I'd like to have a @Unique constraint with Bean Validation, but that is not provided by the standard. If I would use JPA's @UniqueConstraint I wouldn't have a unique validation and error reporting mechanism.

是否有一种定义 @Unique 作为Bean Validation约束并将其与JPA组合的方法,以便JPA创建一个具有唯一约束的列并检查值是否唯一?

Is there a way to define @Unique as a Bean Validation constraint and combine it with JPA, such that JPA creates a column with an unique constraint and checks wheter a value is unique or not?



Unless you acquire a lock on a whole table, it is basically not possible to check for unicity using a SQL query (any concurrent transaction could modify data after a manual check but before the commit of the ongoing transaction). In other words, it isn't possible to implement a valid unique verification at the Java level and thus to provide a validation implementation. The only reliable way to check for unicity is while committing the transaction.


会映射到@Column(unique = true)吗?


@Unique cannot be tested at the Java level reliably but could generate a database unique constraint generation. @Unique is not part of the BV spec today.

所以虽然我同意它会是很高兴在Bean Validation异常中包含唯一(和非null)约束违规,目前情况并非如此。

So while I agree that it would be nice to have unique (and non null) constraint violations wrapped in a Bean Validation exception, this is currently not the case.

  • Bean验证规范(JSR 303)

    • Bean Validation specification (JSR 303)
      • Appendix D. Java Persistence 2.0 integration

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07-27 21:08