在R Shiny应用程序中考虑以下数字小部件:
Consider the following numeric widget in an R Shiny app:
numericInput("val", "Enter value:", value = 50, min = 0, step = 5)
如果在运行应用程序时单击窗口小部件中的向上/向下箭头,则该值将按预期增加或减少5(0、5、10、15 ...).
If you click on the up/down arrows in the widget when the app is run, the value will increase or decrease by 5 (0, 5, 10, 15,...) as expected.
Now consider changing the min value to 1:
numericInput("val", "Enter value:", value = 50, min = 1, step = 5)
如果现在单击向上/向下箭头,该值仍会增加/减少5,但从1开始,创建顺序1、6、11、16 ...
If you now click on the up/down arrows, the value will still increase/decrease by 5, but start from 1, creating the sequence 1, 6, 11, 16,...
当最小值为1时,是否可以维持5的增减,但从0开始(因此顺序为0、5、10、15 ...)?
Is it possible to maintain increments/decrements of 5 but starting from 0 (so the sequence is 0, 5, 10, 15,...) when the min value is 1?
An example where this might be needed (as in my case) is where you wish to have the user enter a (strictly) positive number, but have an increment/decrement value of 5 since multiples of 5 are nice, easy, rounded numbers (as opposed to 1, 6, 11, 16,... etc.)
You can use updateNumericInput
to prevent null value in your numericInput
. Here is an example:
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput("val", "Enter value:", value=50, min = 0, step = 5)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$val, {
x <- input$val
if (x == 0 | is.na(x)){
updateNumericInput(session, "val", value = 1)
shinyApp(ui, server)