I am looking for a way to compare two images to see how similar they are. Googling it produces tons of image processing results (cropping, re-sizing, etc.), but nothing that would do approximate comparisons of images. There is one Node.js library, but it is version 0.0.1 and relies on various 3rd party system packages, so not stable or portable.
var imgComparator = require('some-awesome-image-comparator-module');
// result would be between 1.0 and 0.0, where 1.0 would mean exact match
var result = imgComparator.compare('/path/to/image/1.png', '/path/to/image/2.png');
有 node-opencv 模块,则可以使用它来执行繁重的操作,例如图像比较.此处的好主题是:用于比较图像的简单快速方法出于相似性
There is node-opencv module, you might use it in order to perform heavy operation like image comparison. Good topic on that is here: Simple and fast method to compare images for similarity