本文介绍了具有动态蒙版的Tensorflow boolean_mask的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



The documentation of boolean_mask says that the shape of the mask must be known statically. But if you do

tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask)


it seems to work fine. Is there any reason to not do this?



Looking at the documentation closely reveals that it concerns the dimensionality of the mask, not its whole shape:

您的蒙版现在的大小为None,这意味着它的静态形状(包括尺寸)是完全未知的.您的选择是要确保静态地知道蒙版的尺寸(例如,确保由输出尺寸已知的操作生成的蒙版,或以已知的尺寸填充占位符),或者强制执行有关您的尺寸的信息已知,但是不能在构建计算图时进行推断.您可以通过 set_shape 来完成.

Your mask now has size None, meaning its static shape is completely unknown, including the dimension. Your options are to either to ensure that the dimensionality of the mask is statically known (e.g., make sure its produced by an operation whose output dimensions are known, or feed a placeholder with known dimensions), or to enforce information about the size that you know, but that cannot be inferred at time of the construction of the computational graph. The latter you can do by set_shape.


When you run mask.set_shape([None]), you are enforcing an assumption that the dimensionality of the mask will always be 1 (since None is in brackets), although the number of elements is unknown. If you are certain that your mask will always be 1-dimensional, this is fine to do.

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08-31 10:28