When I use caffe for image classification, it often computes the image mean. Why is that the case?
Someone said that it can improve the accuracy, but I don't understand why this should be the case.
Neural networks (including CNNs) are models with thousands of parameters which we try to optimize with gradient descent. Those models are able to fit a lot of different functions by having a non-linearity φ at their nodes. Without a non-linear activation function, the network collapses to a linear function in total. This means we need the non-linearity for most interesting problems.
φ的常见选择是逻辑函数,tanh或ReLU。所有这些都有大约0的最有趣的区域。这是梯度要么大到足以快速学习,要么在ReLU的情况下非线性。像这样的权重初始化方案试图让网络从优化的好点。 等其他技术也会将节点的平均值保持在0左右。
Common choices for φ are the logistic function, tanh or ReLU. All of them have the most interesting region around 0. This is where the gradient either is big enough to learn quickly or where a non-linearity is at all in case of ReLU. Weight initialization schemes like Glorot initialization try to make the network start at a good point for the optimization. Other techniques like Batch Normalization also keep the mean of the nodes input around 0.
So you compute (and subtract) the mean of the image so that the first computing nodes get data which "behaves well". It has a mean of 0 and thus the intuition is that this helps the optimization process.
In theory, a network can be able to "subtract" the mean by itself. So if you train long enough, this should not matter too much. However, depending on the activation function "long enough" can be important.