

由于某种原因,Eigen网页现在具有阻止内容的弹出窗口.如果您访问 http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/,则页面的左上角不想消失.请帮助!在最新的Firefox和Chrome上似乎都失败了.

For some reason the Eigen web page now has a popup blocking content. If you go to http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/, the popup in the upper-left corner of the page doesn't want to go away. Help please! Seems to fail with both the latest Firefox and on Chrome.


看起来像Eigen开发人员已经意识到了这一点(问题1918 ),他们只是合并了一个修复程序大约5分钟前.我不确定更新网站需要多长时间,但是导致该问题的文档错误应已修复.

Looks like the Eigen developers are aware of this (Issue 1918) and they just merged a fix about 5 minutes ago. I'm not sure how long it takes to update the website, but the documentation bug causing the issue should be fixed.

显然,问题出在 eigen_navtree_hacks.js 中的JavaScript,需要将 load 函数(已弃用)更改为 on 功能

Apparently the issue was with the JavaScript in eigen_navtree_hacks.js which needed the load function (which is deprecated) to be changed to the on function



 $(window).on("load", showRoot);



$(window).on("load", resizeHeight);


I'm not sure what actually triggered the menu to start behaving this way in the first place.


07-27 17:18