


I'm going to test a complex scenario which expects several other steps to have performed prior to it.


For example , it can be equivalent to have proper data in a warehouse before goods are taken our from it. So in order for fetching to happen, it must first be made sure that there are products in the warehouse and there is a fetch-order. There may be seperate screens to insert products to the warehouse. So before I start testing the fetch scenarios i have to be ready with those.


What would be the best method to be ready with this data? I basically could think of two options.

  1. 穿过的实际画面以prepare数据。

  1. Go through the actual screens to prepare the data.


Have a DB snapshot with prepared data to perform the wanted scenario.


I'm not sure which way I should move forward and would like to hear similar experiences from the people who have tried something like this.


我会去选择2 - 你正在测试一些用例,你不应该涉及到另一个试验测试用例。测试包括一些code驱动用来进行测试的测试数据。所以,如果你需要特殊的数据的测试,你应该让他们prepared,而不是通过应用逻辑创建它们的前期。

I would go with option 2 - you are testing some use case and you should not involve use cases tested by another tests. Test consists of some code driving the test and data used to perform the test. So if you need special data for the test you should have them prepared upfront instead of creating them by application logic.


08-11 23:21