本文介绍了T-sql 在字段更改时重置行号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


类似于我最近的一篇文章t-sql 顺序持续时间"",但不完全相同,我想根据 x 列(在我的情况下,列who")中的更改来重置行号.

Similar to a recent post of mine "t-sql sequential duration"", but not exactly the same, I want to reset the row number based on a change in column x (in my case, column "who").


Here's the first query that returns the a small sample of the raw(ish) data:

SELECT      DISTINCT chr.custno,
            CAST(LEFT(CONVERT( VARCHAR(20),chr.moddate,112),10)+ ' ' + chr.modtime AS DATETIME)as  moddate,
FROM        <TABLE> chr
WHERE       chr.custno = 581827
            AND LEFT(chr.who, 5) = 'EMSZC'
            AND chr.[description] NOT LIKE 'Recalled and viewed this customer'
ORDER BY    chr.custno


custno      moddate             who
581827      2012-11-08 08:38:00.000     EMSZC14
581827      2012-11-08 08:41:10.000     EMSZC14
581827      2012-11-08 08:53:46.000     EMSZC14
581827      2012-11-08 08:57:04.000     EMSZC14
581827      2012-11-08 08:58:35.000     EMSZC14
581827      2012-11-08 08:59:13.000     EMSZC14
581827      2012-11-08 09:00:06.000     EMSZC14
581827      2012-11-08 09:04:39.000     EMSZC49 Reset row number to 1
581827      2012-11-08 09:05:04.000     EMSZC49
581827      2012-11-08 09:06:32.000     EMSZC49
581827      2012-11-08 09:12:03.000     EMSZC49
581827      2012-11-08 09:12:38.000     EMSZC49
581827      2012-11-08 09:14:18.000     EMSZC49
581827      2012-11-08 09:17:35.000     EMSZC14 Reset row number to 1


Second step is to add the row number (I didn’t do this in the first query because of the use of the word DISTINCT); so…

WITH c1 AS (
        SELECT      DISTINCT chr.custno
                    CAST(LEFT(CONVERT( VARCHAR(20),chr.moddate,112),10)+ ' ' + chr.modtime AS DATETIME)as moddate,
        FROM        <TABLE> chr
        WHERE       chr.custno = 581827
                    AND LEFT(chr.who, 5) = 'EMSZC'
                    AND chr.[description] NOT LIKE 'Recalled and viewed this customer'

SELECT  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY custno ORDER BY custno, moddate, who) AS RowID, custno, moddate, who
FROM    c1


RowID   custno      moddate                      who
1       581827      2012-11-08 08:38:00.000     EMSZC14
2       581827      2012-11-08 08:41:10.000     EMSZC14
3       581827      2012-11-08 08:53:46.000     EMSZC14
4       581827      2012-11-08 08:57:04.000     EMSZC14
5       581827      2012-11-08 08:58:35.000     EMSZC14
6       581827      2012-11-08 08:59:13.000     EMSZC14
7       581827      2012-11-08 09:00:06.000     EMSZC14
8       581827      2012-11-08 09:04:39.000     EMSZC49 Reset row number to 1
9       581827      2012-11-08 09:05:04.000     EMSZC49
10      581827      2012-11-08 09:06:32.000     EMSZC49
11      581827      2012-11-08 09:12:03.000     EMSZC49
12      581827      2012-11-08 09:12:38.000     EMSZC49
13      581827      2012-11-08 09:14:18.000     EMSZC49
14      581827      2012-11-08 09:17:35.000     EMSZC14 Reset row number to 1

下一步是我卡住的地方:目标是在who"列中每次更改值时将 RowID 重置为 1.下面的代码得到了一个几乎在那里"的结果(需要注意的是我从某个地方偷/借了这个代码,但现在我找不到网站):

The next step is where I’m stuck: the goal is to reset the RowID to 1 on each change of value in the "who" column. The following code gets an "almost there" result (and it should be noted that I stole/borrowed this code from somewhere, but now I can’t find the website):

WITH c1 AS (
        SELECT      DISTINCT chr.custno,
                    CAST(LEFT(CONVERT( VARCHAR(20),chr.moddate,112),10)+ ' ' + chr.modtime AS DATETIME)as moddate,
        FROM        <TABLE> chr
        WHERE       chr.custno = 581827
                    AND LEFT(chr.who, 5) = 'EMSZC'
                    AND chr.[description] NOT LIKE 'Recalled and viewed this customer'
, c1a AS    (
            SELECT  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY custno ORDER BY custno, moddate, who) AS RowID, custno, moddate, who
            FROM    c1

SELECT  x.RowID - y.MinID + 1 AS Row,
        x.custno, x.Touch, x.moddate, x.who
FROM    (
            SELECT  custno, who, MIN(RowID) AS MinID
            FROM    c1a
            GROUP BY custno, who
        ) AS y
        INNER JOIN c1a x ON x.custno = y.custno AND x.who = y.who


Row custno      moddate                    who
1   581827      2012-11-08 08:38:00.000     EMSZC14
2   581827      2012-11-08 08:41:10.000     EMSZC14
3   581827      2012-11-08 08:53:46.000     EMSZC14
4   581827      2012-11-08 08:57:04.000     EMSZC14
5   581827      2012-11-08 08:58:35.000     EMSZC14
6   581827      2012-11-08 08:59:13.000     EMSZC14
7   581827      2012-11-08 09:00:06.000     EMSZC14
1   581827      2012-11-08 09:04:39.000     EMSZC49 Reset row number to 1 (Hooray! It worked!)
2   581827      2012-11-08 09:05:04.000     EMSZC49
3   581827      2012-11-08 09:06:32.000     EMSZC49
4   581827      2012-11-08 09:12:03.000     EMSZC49
5   581827      2012-11-08 09:12:38.000     EMSZC49
6   581827      2012-11-08 09:14:18.000     EMSZC49
14  581827      2012-11-08 09:17:35.000     EMSZC14 Reset row number to 1 (Crappies.)


Row custno      moddate                     who
1   581827      2012-11-08 08:38:00.000     EMSZC14
2   581827      2012-11-08 08:41:10.000     EMSZC14
3   581827      2012-11-08 08:53:46.000     EMSZC14
4   581827      2012-11-08 08:57:04.000     EMSZC14
5   581827      2012-11-08 08:58:35.000     EMSZC14
6   581827      2012-11-08 08:59:13.000     EMSZC14
7   581827      2012-11-08 09:00:06.000     EMSZC14
1   581827      2012-11-08 09:04:39.000     EMSZC49 Reset row number to 1
2   581827      2012-11-08 09:05:04.000     EMSZC49
3   581827      2012-11-08 09:06:32.000     EMSZC49
4   581827      2012-11-08 09:12:03.000     EMSZC49
5   581827      2012-11-08 09:12:38.000     EMSZC49
6   581827      2012-11-08 09:14:18.000     EMSZC49
1   581827      2012-11-08 09:17:35.000     EMSZC14 Reset row number to 1



如果您使用的是 SQL Server 2012,则可以使用 LAG 将值与前一行进行比较,您可以使用 SUMOVER 记录更改.

If you are on SQL Server 2012 you can use LAG to compare value with previous row and you can use SUM and OVER to record the changes.

with C1 as
  select custno,
         lag(who) over(order by moddate) as lag_who
  from chr
C2 as
  select custno,
         sum(case when who = lag_who then 0 else 1 end)
            over(order by moddate rows unbounded preceding) as change
  from C1
select row_number() over(partition by change order by moddate) as RowID,
from C2

SQL 小提琴


SQL Server 2005 的一个版本.它使用递归 CTE 和临时表作为您需要迭代的数据的中间存储.

A version for SQL Server 2005. It uses a recursive CTE and a temp table for intermediary storage of the data you need to iterate over.

create table #tmp
  id int primary key,
  custno int not null,
  moddate datetime not null,
  who varchar(10) not null

insert into #tmp(id, custno, moddate, who)
select row_number() over(order by moddate),
from chr;

with C as
  select 1 as rowid,
         cast(null as varchar(10)) as lag_who
  from #tmp as T
  where T.id = 1
  union all
  select case when T.who = C.who then C.rowid + 1 else 1 end,
  from #tmp as T
    inner join C
      on T.id = C.id + 1
select rowid,
from C
option (maxrecursion 0);

drop table #tmp;

SQL 小提琴

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08-13 20:57