



在 github 上开发,我经常在我的主分支中维护一个 html/_site/ 子目录,我在那里为项目生成基于 Web 的文档.我想切换到我的 gh-pages 分支,并且 pull 这个 html 目录的内容到 gh-pages 分支的根目录,所以它会呈现为一个不错的 github 网站(它会在 username.github.com/repositoryname 处的 gh-pages 中自动呈现 html).执行此操作的最佳工作流程是什么?

Developing on github, I often maintain a html/ or _site/ subdirectory in my master branch where I generate web-based documentation for the project. I'd like to switch to my gh-pages branch and pull just the contents of this html directory into the root of the gh-pages branch, so it will render as a nice website through github (which automatically renders html in gh-pages at username.github.com/repositoryname). What is the best workflow to do this?

如果我还没有设置 gh-pages 分支,我可以分支,清除分支,然后复制 html 目录中的内容并快速,我有一个站点准备好出发.但我不确定以后如何最好地更新 gh-pages 分支.

If I don't yet have the gh-pages branch set up, I can branch, clear the branch, and copy in the contents of the html directory and presto, I have the a site ready to go. But I'm not sure how best to later update the gh-pages branch.

git branch gh-pages
git checkout gh-pages
# Remove files I don't need from the gh-pages branch
rm -rf data/ man/ R/ README.md NEWS NAMESPACE DESCRIPTION demo/
# move documentation to the root
mv inst/doc/html/* .
# remove the rest
rm -rf inst/
git add *
git commit -a -m "gh-pages documentation"
git push origin gh-pages
git checkout master

现在我应该怎么做才能稍后更新 gh-pages 分支?听起来这可能涉及 子树合并 但我'我不太确定.

Now what should I do to update the gh-pages branch later? It sounds like this might involve subtree merging but I'm not quite sure.


开始你的 gh-pages 分支:

To start your gh-pages branch:

true | git mktree | xargs git commit-tree | xargs git branch gh-pages

要获取任何您想要的内容,请从 master 分支、read-tree 和 commit 中说 html 目录:

To fetch anything you want into it, say the html directory from the master branch, read-tree and commit:

git checkout gh-pages
git read-tree master:html
git commit -m'gh-pages documentation'
git push origin gh-pages
git checkout master


后期添加:添加到 gh-pages 分支的顺序较短:

Late addition: there's a shorter sequence for adding to the gh-pages branch:

git commit-tree -p gh-pages -m "" master:html
| xargs git update-ref refs/heads/gh-pages



07-27 16:11