感谢您的帮助。 解决方案 您好, Al Franz写道:任何人都懂得如何将参数传递给JavaScript。如果有人发现这很容易做,也许他们可以看看我在这个页面上的简短脚本并告诉我如何更改它。 http://franz.org/java.htm 感谢任何这个页面不起作用。 JavaScript,因为你在comp.lang.java.javascript中发帖。如果是这样,那么你应该检查 http://www.galasoft-LB.ch/myjavascri...LiveConnect102 HTH, Laurent - Laurent Bugnion,GalaSoft 网页设计,Java,javascript : http://www.galasoft-LB.ch 私人/马来西亚: http://mypage.bluewin.ch/lbugnion 支持加尔各答的儿童: http://www.calcutta-espoir.ch 其实我想要做的是将参数从我的HTML代码传递到 JavaScript。不确定为什么网页不适合你,是其他人 有问题吗?也许它有打嗝? " Al Franz" <人**** @ netmation.com>在消息中写道 新闻:IzVZa.123701 Anyone understand how to pass parameters to a JavaScript. If anyone findsthis easy to do maybe they could take a look at my short script on this pageand show me how it needs to be changed. http://franz.org/java.htmThanks for any help. 解决方案 Hi,Al Franz wrote: Anyone understand how to pass parameters to a JavaScript. If anyone finds this easy to do maybe they could take a look at my short script on this page and show me how it needs to be changed. http://franz.org/java.htm Thanks for any help.The page doesn''t work.I assume that you are talking about passing parameters from Java toJavaScript, since you post in comp.lang.java.javascript. If it is so,then you should check http://www.galasoft-LB.ch/myjavascri...LiveConnect102HTH,Laurent--Laurent Bugnion, GalaSoftWebdesign, Java, javascript: http://www.galasoft-LB.chPrivate/Malaysia: http://mypage.bluewin.ch/lbugnionSupport children in Calcutta: http://www.calcutta-espoir.ch Actually what I want to do is pass parameters from my HTML code to theJavaScript. Not sure why the web page does not work for you, are othershaving problems? Maybe it had a hiccup?"Al Franz" <al****@netmation.com> wrote in messagenews:IzVZa.123701 这篇关于将参数传递给Java脚本?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-27 15:23