ASP.Net更具互动性。它提供了gui控件,可以通过回发触发服务器端代码中的事件。因此,服务器端 和客户端事件之间的界限肯定是模糊的。与解释的vbscript代码相比,编译代码具有性能 Benefis。 Frontpage,我们很多人甚至都不使用,打算使用在所见即所得的环境中创建 html页面。我们大多数人不使用它的原因是: 1.早期版本会弄乱我们的asp服务器端代码 2.它会造成蹩脚,臃肿,非标准的HTML 3.它阻止开发人员学习HTML,这真的是一个必不可少的b $ b技能,特别是在经典的asp世界中(不要误解我:它仍然是ASP.Net世界中必不可少的)以下是一些专注于 HTML和CSS的grojup: 我想不出有什么理由使用Frontpage进行ASP.Net开发:在 的事实上,MS正在逐步淘汰产品 VWD可用于两者经典的ASP和ASP.Net应用程序,但是 绝对更适合ASP.Net。 IMO,ASP.Net旨在让网站开发体验更加紧密。 > 到VB5 / 6应用程序开发玩具体验,所以你可能会比ASP.Net而不是经典ASP更好。 Bob Barrows - Microsoft MVP - ASP / ASP.NET 请回复新闻组。这个电子邮件帐户是我的垃圾邮件陷阱所以我 不经常检查它。如果您必须离线回复,请删除 无垃圾邮件It''s even more bewildering when you consider non-MS tools such asDreamweaver or Cold Fusion.vbscript is used in "classic" asp, which this newgroup hierarchy covers.VB.Net is used in ASP.Net, which is a completely different technologycovered by newsgroups in the "dotnet" hierarchy, specificallymicrosoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet, as well as the forums at www.asp.netThe differences? I''ll start with the languages: vbscript is a limitedscripting language. VB.Net is a full-blown object-oriented language.Classic ASP is essentially server-side code which generates html which ispassed to the client. The only interaction with the client is done via theRequest object which has collections (Request.Form and Request.Querystring)containing data passed from the client via form submissions, and theResponse object which is use to pass html to the client browser. So there isa definite line of demarcation between asp server-side code and client-sidedhtml code. We try to concentrate on server-side coding questios in thisgroup, directing client-side scripting questions tomicrosoft.public.scripting.jscript. Here is a link to the ASP Scriptingdocumentation: is more interactive. It provides gui controls that can triggerevents in server-side code via postbacks. So the line between server-sideand client-side events is definitely blurred. Compiled code has performancebenefis compared to the interpreted vbscript code.Frontpage, which many of us don''t even use, is intended to be used to createhtml pages in a wysiwyg environment. The reason most of us don''t use it is:1. earlier versions would mess up our asp server-side code2. it creates crappy, bloated, nonstandard html3. it prevents developers from learning html, which is really an essentialskill, especially in the classic asp world (don''t get me wrong: it is stillessential in the ASP.Net world) Here are some grojups that concentrate onHTML and CSS: cannot think of a reason to use Frontpage for ASP.Net development: infact, MS is phasing the product outVWD can be used with both classic ASPand ASP.Net applications, but isdefinitely more geared toward ASP.Net.IMO, ASP.Net was intended to bring the website development experience closerto the VB5/6 application development experience, so you would probably bebetter off starting with ASP.Net rather than classic ASP.Bob Barrows--Microsoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NETPlease reply to the newsgroup. This email account is my spam trap so Idon''t check it very often. If you must reply off-line, then remove the"NO SPAM"非常感谢该帖子,Bob,它'太棒了。可能要花费一些时间让我接受这一切。 让我问一些跟进问题: 所以VBScript和(普通)ASP是''经典ASP'',而VB.NET和ASP.NET 是''现代''ASP? 我知道VB.NET是Visual Studios的一部分,免费的 版本VB Express可供下载,可能会遇到很多 的开发人员''需要...... 所以服务器端代码驻留在我将使用的网站托管网站上。如果您没有使用FP,那么如何将代码放到服务器上?你还是以某种方式发布它吗? 当你谈到客户端时,你基本上是指用户访问 通过浏览器上网,比如IE,是吗? 我读到许多VB开发人员甚至一些书籍作者都生气了 如何更改Msft VB从VB6迁移到VB.NET,但似乎不值得浪费时间。/ b 。此外,移动到完整的互联网环境可能需要进行大幅度的改动...... ASP.NET是一种语言吗?它是否有一个所见即所得的界面可以用代替FP'?如果没有,什么是FP的良好替代品? (我拥有97 和2000版本)。 我还有点不清楚VWD和VBE是如何相互关联的?如果我学习VWD,我还需要VBE吗?如果我需要两者,我应该先学习 ? 什么是dhtml以及它与html的区别? BrooksThanks so much for that post, Bob, it''s excellent. Probably going totake some time for me to absorb it all.Let me ask some follow up questions:So VBScript and (plain) ASP are ''classic ASP'', while VB.NET and ASP.NETare ''modern'' ASP?I understand that VB.NET is a part of Visual Studios and that a freeversion, VB Express, is available for download and may meet manydevelopers'' needs ...So server side code resides on a web hosting site that I would use. Ifyou are not using FP, how do you get the code onto the server? Do youstill ''publish'' it somehow?When you speak of client side, you basically mean a user accessing theinternet via a browser, like IE, correct?I read that many VB developers and even some book authors were angry athow Msft changed VB in moving from VB6 to VB.NET, but it seems like amoot point not worth wasting time on. Also, maybe drastic changes werenecessary to move to a full internet environment ...So is ASP.NET a language? Does it have a wysiwyg interface that canreplace FP''s? If not, what is a good substitute for FP? (I own the 97and 2000 versions of it).I''m still a little unclear how VWD and VBE relate to one another? If Ilearn VWD do I still need VBE? If I need both, which should I learnfirst?What is dhtml and how does it differ from html?Brooks还有一些问题... 不是一个聪明人,但如果你觉得VBScript和经典的ASP比ASP.NET好,那你为什么要在这个论坛上花些时间?由于遗留代码,它是否是b $ b? 为什么客户端脚本应该用jscript编写?是不是jscript, 只是VBScript的C / C ++ / Java版本?A few more questions ...Not to be a wise guy, but if you feel VBScript and classic ASP areinferior to ASP.NET, why would you spend your time in this forum? Isit because of legacy code?Why should client side scripting be written in jscript? Isn''t jscript,just the C/C++/Java version of VBScript? 我们试着专注于服务器端编码在这个 组中的问题,将客户端脚本问题指向 microsoft.public.scripting.jscript。We try to concentrate on server-side coding questios in thisgroup, directing client-side scripting questions tomicrosoft.public.scripting.jscript. BrooksBrooks 这篇关于需要帮助澄清使用VBxxx创建网页...的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!