本文介绍了Windows XP和Windows 7中WaitForSingleObject的不同行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



1)从I / O卡读取数据


3)将输出写入I / O卡



使用WaitForSingleObject实现步骤4(短暂睡眠)(阻止虚拟手柄并等待配置的超时,通常为5毫秒)。 MMC配置为最高精度(1毫秒)。此过程的优先级设置为

在Windows XP中,实际的睡眠时间总是少于超过20毫秒,,但在Windows 7中这个时间是100毫秒!!

我知道Windows不是实时操作系统,但我不知道为什么在Windows 7这次与Windows如此不同XP。



Windows 7是否更改了进程/线程调度程序(来自Windows XP?



I work developing a sofPLC program that, basically, it executes a loop with the following steps:

1) Reads data from an I/O card

2) Execute our control program

3) Write outputs to an I/O cards

4) Sleep for a short time

5) Back to (1)

Step 4 (Sleep for a short time) is implemented using WaitForSingleObject (blocking over a dummy handle and waiting for the configured timeout, that usually is 5 ms). The MMC is configured to the highest precision (1 ms). The priority of this process is set to REAL_TIME and the thread priority the hightest.

In Windows XP, the real sleep time is always less than 20 ms, but in Windows 7 this time is up 100 ms !!.

I know that Windows is not a realtime OS, but I don't know why in Windows 7 this time is so different from Windows XP.

I have tried other option such as Sleep or SetWaitableTime but I get similar times. Even, I tried to change the processor affinity but I can not improve these times.

Does exists any way to know which process/thread is blocking my thread?

Has Windows 7 changed the process/thread scheduler (from Windows XP?

Thanks !!


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07-26 16:03