

在允许 MultipleItems 的情况下,是否可以知道在数据透视表过滤器中检查了哪些项目?

Is it possible to know which items are checked in a PivotTable filter in case MultipleItems are allowed?

我只看到 .Visible 属性来检查它,但它只有在不允许多个项目时才有效.如果允许多个项目并选中 .Visible 属性,您只会看到ALL"而不是所有选中的项目.

I only see .Visible property to check it but it only works if multiple items are not allowed.If multiple items are allowed and checked .Visible property, you only see "ALL" instead of all items selected.


Dim pvt As PivotTable
Dim fld As PivotField
Dim itm As PivotItem
Dim flt As PivotFilter

Dim i As Integer

Set xbFuente = ThisWorkbook
Set xlDatos = xbFuente.Worksheets("TABLAS")
Set pvt = xlDatos.PivotTables("MAIN")

pvt.ManualUpdate = True
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If pvt.ShowPageMultipleItemLabel = True Then
   Debug.Print "The words 'Multiple Items' can be displayed."
End If

For Each fld In pvt.PageFields
    Debug.Print fld.Name & " -- " & fld.Orientation & " -- " & fld.EnableItemSelection & " -- " & fld.EnableMultiplePageItems & " -- "

    If fld.AllItemsVisible = True Then
    ' If all items are visible  "ALL"
        For Each itm In fld.VisibleItems
            Debug.Print "---- ALLITEMSVISIBLE TRUE --" & "VISIBLE" & " -- " & itm.Name & " -- " & itm.Visible
        For Each itm In fld.VisibleItems
            Debug.Print "---- ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --" & "VISIBLE" & itm.Name & " -- " & itm.Visible
        For Each itm In fld.HiddenItems
            Debug.Print "--------ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --" & "HIDDEN -- " & itm.Name & " -- " & itm.Visible
        For Each itm In fld.PivotItems
            Debug.Print "--------ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --" & "HIDDEN -- " & itm.Name & " -- " & itm.Value
    End If


结果:保修标志 -- 3 -- Verdadero -- Verdadero ------ ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --VISIBLE(All) -- Verdadero--------ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --HIDDEN -- A -- Falso--------ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --HIDDEN -- I -- Falso--------ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --HIDDEN -- O -- Falso--------ALLITEMSVISIBLE FALSE --HIDDEN -- P -- Falso



Sub Check_PivotFilter_Selection()

Dim pvt As PivotTable
Dim fld As PivotField
Dim itm As PivotItem
Dim flt As PivotFilter

Dim i As Integer

Set xbFuente = ThisWorkbook
Set xlDatos = xbFuente.Worksheets("TABLAS")
Set pvt = xlDatos.PivotTables("MAIN")

pvt.ManualUpdate = True
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If pvt.ShowPageMultipleItemLabel = True Then
   Debug.Print "The words 'Multiple Items' can be displayed."
End If

For Each fld In pvt.PageFields
    Debug.Print fld.Name & " -- " & fld.Orientation & " -- " & fld.EnableItemSelection & " -- " & fld.EnableMultiplePageItems & " -- "

    ' loop through all items in Field, and check which ones are Selected (and which ones are not)
    For Each itm In fld.PivotItems

        If itm.Visible = True Then
            Debug.Print " Item " & itm.Name & " in Field " & fld.Name & " is Visible (Selected) "
            Debug.Print " Item " & itm.Name & " in Field " & fld.Name & " is Hidden (Not Selected) "
        End If

    Next itm
Next fld

End Sub


07-26 15:38