本文介绍了Arthimatic 测验不接受正确答案的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am attempting to make an arithmetic quiz, but have run into this issue: Even if I input the correct answer, it seems to ignore the correct answer code and go straight to the incorrect answer code. Basically, it doesn't accept any right answers.

import random
num1 = (random.randrange(10))
num2 = (random.randrange(10))
correct1 = (num1*num2)

ans1 = input("What is " + str(num1) + " multiplied by " + str(num2) + "? ")

if ans1 == correct1:
    print("Correct! ")

if ans1 != correct1:
    print(" Incorrect. ")
    print("  The correct answer was " + str(ans1))


When ran, I get something like this:

What is 3 multiplied by 0? 0
        The correct answer was 0

注意答案和我的输入是如何相同的,但它运行了错误答案的代码.谁能帮我解决这个问题?我使用的是 Python 3.4.

Note how the answer and my input were the same, but it ran the code for an incorrect answer. Can anyone help me to fix this? I am using Python 3.4.


3 不等于 "3".调用 input(在 Python3 中)的结果是一个字符串,而不是一个数字.

3 is not equal to "3". The result of a call to input (in Python3) is a string, not a number.

在用户输入上调用 int


ans1 = input("What is " + str(num1) + " multiplied by " + str(num2) + "? ")
ans1 = int(ans1)


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07-26 15:26