我使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.当我将代码示例放入C#类/方法的XML注释中时,我想知道:引用我的程序集的用户将如何看到该代码示例?
I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.When I put code examples into XML comments of C# classes/methods, I wonder: how will user that references my assemblies see that code example?
我试图引用自己的程序集,而发现的唯一方法是:查看assembly.xml文件.我可以解决Visual Studio或其他问题,看看这些代码示例吗?
I tried to reference my own assembly, and the only way I found was: to look at assembly.xml file.Can I settle Visual Studio or anything else to see those code examples?
/// <summary>
/// This is my method example
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// // Here is my code example. Call my method like this:
/// const int a = 10;
/// MethodExample(a);
/// </code>
/// </example>
public static void MethodExample(int parameter)
Here is what I get in intellisense:
Here is what I get in object browser:
Here is what I get in assembly.xml file:
What I'd like to get: see code examples in object browser and intellisense.
A number of XML comment tags appear in IntelliSense only as child elements of other tags. These tags, known as ChildCompletionList tags, are: c, code, example, list, listheader, para, paramref, see and see also.
/// <summary>
/// MethodExample the function that does it all...
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// <para/>// Here is my code example. Call my method like this:
/// <para/>const int a = 10;
/// <para/>MethodExample(a);
/// </code>
/// </example>
/// </summary>
这篇关于< example></example> XML注释标签:怎么看?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!