

好的,我看到一些帖子提到还有一些关于不使用 SP wiki 的帖子,因为它们很糟糕.

Ok, I've seen a few posts that mention a few other posts about not using SP wikis because they suck.

由于我们正在考虑在 SP 中创建我们的 wiki,我需要知道为什么我们不应该让 6 名自动化开发人员来记录各种自动化流程中的步骤以及必须不时进行更改.

Since we are looking at doing our wiki in SP, I need to know why we shouldn't do it for a group of 6 automation-developers to document the steps in various automated processes and the changes that have to be made from time to time.


在咆哮之前,这里是我使用 SharePoint 作为 wiki 的整体体验.

Before the rant, here is my overall experience with SharePoint as a wiki.

这是一个实施不佳的功能,因为对当前 wiki 环境提供的内容缺乏根本性的调查而失败了.这就是它在编辑器中失败的原因,以及为什么它错过了以下几点:标记、历史比较和生成不良的 html 代码.

It is a poorly implemented feature that failed becouse there was a fundemental lack of investigation into what current wiki environments provide. That is why it failed in it's editor and why it misses on points like: tagging, history comparison, and poorly generated html code.

您需要跳过它并获取其他可以更好地完成工作的内容并从 SharePoint 链接到它.

You need to skip it and get something else that does the job better and link to it from SharePoint.

对这两种产品都有生产经验,我建议用螺丝转而不是 SharePoint.

Having production experience with both products, I'd recommend ScrewTurn over SharePoint.

查看 rant 的编辑历史


08-30 23:57