本文介绍了GWT 与 Flex 对比?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的公司正在尝试从 .NET 应用程序迁移到纯粹基于网络的应用程序,并且非常ajaxy".最初的 .NET 应用具有相当的交互性,就用户交互而言(缩放、平移、在矢量地图上注释特征)大致相当于 Google 地图.

My company is trying to migrate away from a .NET application to something that is purely web-based, and very "ajaxy". The original .NET app is fairly interactive, roughly equivalent to Google Maps as far as user interaction is concerned (zoom, pan, annotate features on a vector map).

我们的 .NET 开发人员非常喜欢 Flex2.我承认有一个非常强烈的 Java 偏见.我也有大约一年的 GWT 经验,可以很快完成工作.我们的代码库主要是 J2EE,所以 GWT 似乎很适合我.我对 Flex 的体验为零,所以我真的无法推荐或反对它

Our .NET developer is really taken with Flex2. I'll admit to having a pretty strong Java bias. I also have about a year's worth of experience with GWT, and can get things done pretty quickly with it. Our codebase is mostly J2EE, so GWT seems a natural fit to me. I have zero experience with Flex, so I really can't make a recommendation for or against it


Our primary interests in selecting a framework are the following:

  • 面向未来
  • 适用于所有主要浏览器
  • 快速响应的用户体验
  • 代码应该是可单元测试的
  • 代码必须是可维护的
  • 开发速度和易用性
  • 支持某种矢量图形(SVG 加分)


Care to weigh in on the pros & cons of these two technologies, or even recommend a third option?


我对 Flex 只是略微熟悉,但已经与 GWT 合作多年.几年前我们不得不做出一个非常相似的决定(Flash vs GWT),但出于不同的原因.最后我们看到了 GWT 相对于 Flash 的诸多优势(其中许多适用于 Flex):

I'm only mildly familiar with Flex, but have worked with GWT for many years. We had to make a very similar decision some years ago (Flash vs GWT), but for different reasons. In the end we saw the many advantages of GWT over Flash (Many of which apply to Flex):

  • 并非我们所有的客户都拥有闪存,Adobe 的渗透率数据毫无用处,您需要自己的(我们拥有)来了解您的客户实际拥有什么.在企业和教育市场,渗透率实际上远低于 Adob​​e 引用的 90 年代高位.

  • Not all our customers have flash, penetration numbers from Adobe are useless, you need your own (which we have) to see what your customers actually have. In corporate and education markets the penetration is actually far lower than the high 90s that Adobe quotes.

GWT 真正跨浏览器和平台兼容(Linux、Mac、Windows、Android、iPhone 等),而闪存永远不会.你可能不在乎,但我们做到了.

GWT is truly cross-browser and platform compatible (Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, iPhone, etc, etc) whereas flash will never be. You may not care about that, but we did.

Flex 是 Adob​​e 专有技术,而 GWT 是完全开源且可定制的

Flex is proprietry Adobe Technology, whereas GWT is fully open source and customisable

GWT 与 DOM 集成,页面上的所有其他内容都比 Flash 和 Flex 容易得多.

GWT integrates with the DOM, and everything else on your page far easier than flash and Flex do.

GWT 是用 Java 编码的,我们都非常了解 Java

GWT is coded in Java, and we all know Java extremely well


*  futureproof

没有什么是真正面向未来的,但我觉得 GWT 和 Flex 都可以面向未来.也许 GWT 多一点,因为它是开源的.

Nothing is truly future proof, but I feel that both GWT and Flex would be fairly future proof. Maybe GWT a tiny bit more so because it's open source.

* works on all major browsers

GWT 适用于 Firefox(和所有 Gecko 浏览器)、Safari(和所有 Webkit 浏览器)、IE 和 Opera.Flex 适用于所有浏览器,但前提是支持 Flash,所以我会说 GWT 在那里名列前茅.

GWT works in Firefox(and all gecko browser), Safari (and all Webkit browsers), IE and Opera. Flex works in all browsers, but only if Flash is supported, so I would say GWT comes out on top there.

* fast & responsive user experience

在支持它的平台上,Flex 将为了用户体验而扼杀 GWT.在平滑度和光滑度方面,您无法与 flash 竞争.

On platforms where it's supported, Flex is going to kill GWT dead for user experience. You just can't compete with flash when it comes to smoothness and slickness.

* code should be unit testable


Both are easily unit testable

* code must be maintainable


When coded well both are maintainable

* speed & ease of development


As long as your familiar with them, I'd say it's much of a muchness.

* supports vector graphics of some sort (SVG a plus)

我不能说 Flex,但 GWT 通过第三方库通过 SVG 支持矢量图形.

I can't speak for Flex, but GWT supports vector graphics via SVG, through third-party libraries.

这篇关于GWT 与 Flex 对比?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 05:49