


We already have mentoring, share information among each other, and hold regular technical sessions. However, we want these things written down, for the record and for new team members in the future. Right now we're at around 30 developers.


We're thinking about an internal blog and wiki.


While it would be great to share stuff on public blogs (and maybe even have official public developer blogs), for now we want to keep it internal. Our shop does mostly bespoke programming, and not products, so there will be a lot of proprietary customer information there. Self-censorship for a public blog will just slow us down.


Wikis are nice in concept but they need more organization and editorial, so I'm not convinced that it will be as sustainable.


How does your organization do it.



Well, whatever technology or product you will decide to use, they will not be the problem. All knowledge which is not sufficiently well shared at the coffee machine needs attention.

  • 实际编写时的注意事项(例如网络驱动器上的文档,Wiki页面,SharePoint服务器等).
  • 注意对其进行分类(通过链接,标签,网页等).
  • 请注意保持最新(通过个人按需或计划的工作).


Whatever you use, no technology will help with this. For this you need to motivate the team to write things down, read up things in the repository up first before phoning (and interrupting) a bunch of other team-members, and correct things if they are wrong.

根据我的经验,SharePoint和Wiki的性能大致相同.您需要打败人们使用它,直到他们体验他们想要使用它,因为他们有时会体验到这种类型的信息共享可以节省时间- -他们的时间.

From my experience, SharePoint and Wikis perform about the same. You need to beat people to use it, until they experience that they want to use it, because they will at some point experience that such type of information sharing can save time -- their time.


As you have already a habit of sharing information, this may not be so much of a hard problem for you. I'd recommend that one (or a few, better less than too many) provide some (spare) initial structure, and then let the fill-in begin. As no perfect categorization exists, you should not worry too much about it.


08-24 06:22