

我使用Mandrill API来获取拒绝列表,目前对于标记为hard-bouncespamunsub的条目,我从邮件列表中将其删除,这样我就不会尝试将其发送到他们了.

I use the Mandrill API to get the rejection list, and currently for entries where they are marked as hard-bounce, spam or unsub I remove them from my mailing list so that I will not attempt to send to them any more.


However, I am not sure how to approach dealing with addresses that have been marked as soft-bounce.


The documentation seems to indicate that these may be transient errors, and that unlike say MailChimp, soft bounces don't harden over time.


How have others approached these soft bounces when trying to keep their lists high in quality? I have considered maybe keeping a count of how many days they have been there, but I have no way to know how Mandrill determine how long that they keep items on the list before attempting again.



Here's an example of the JSON returned on one of my soft bounces that should (by looking at the obviously fake email address) be eventually removed:

  "reason": "soft-bounce",
  "detail": "smtp;550 \"[email protected]\": This account is disabled or not yet active (#5.1.1)",
  "last_event_at": "2015-10-06 10:16:46",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "created_at": "2015-10-02 10:10:56",
  "expires_at": "2015-10-08 10:16:46",
  "expired": false,
  "subaccount": "XXXXXXXX"
  ,"sender": null


在上一个职位上,我在Mandrill中处理+ 40K电子邮件联系人.我们所做的是:

In a previous job position I worked with +40K email contacts in Mandrill. What we did was the following:

  1. 发送电子邮件
  2. 每12小时从Mandrill系统中删除一次硬反弹
  3. 软弹跳被移到灰色"列表中,我们过去三天后曾发送过另一封电子邮件
  4. 如果三天后发送了电子邮件,则好"电子邮件地址已发回到原始列表中
  5. 如果三天后我们又收到一次软反弹,则该电子邮件也会从灰色"列表中清除
  6. 重复步骤2


This way we kept the list healthy.


Note: The soft bounces are not handled anymore by Mandrill, as this depends on the receiving mailserver how many tries the email gets.


07-26 14:31