本文介绍了我可以在ASP.Net的Web API控制器多个GET方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to implement multiple Get Methods, for Ex:

获取(INT ID,用户userObj)获取(INT STOREID,用户userObj)


Is it possible to implement like this, I don't want to change action method name as in that case I need to type action name in URL.

我想通过这个样本格式击球的动作方法 //本地主机:2342 /

I am thinking of hitting the action methods through this sample format '//localhost:2342/'which does not contains action method name.



Basically you cannot do that, and the reason is that both methods have same name and exactly the same signature (same parameter number and types) and this will not compile with C#, because C# doesn't allow that.

现在,通过Web API,如果你有两个方法,像你的例子同样的动作(同时支持GET),并具有相同签名(INT,用户),当您试图打他们一个从客户端(像从Javascript)的ASp.NET将尝试匹配传递的参数类型的方法(行动),并因为两者有确切的签名会失败,并提高对歧义例外。

Now, with Web API, if you have two methods with the same action like your example (both GET), and with the same signature (int, User), when you try to hit one of them from the client side (like from Javascript) the ASp.NET will try to match the passed parameters type to the methods (actions) and since both have the exact signature it will fail and raise exception about ambiguity.


So, you either add the ActionName attribute to your methods to differentiate between them, or you use the Route Attribute and give your methods a different routes.


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07-26 14:23