本文介绍了在Heroku Cedar(PHP)上部署New Relic的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 有没有人成功地将New Relic插件部署到在Heroku Cedar堆栈上运行的PHP应用程序?我在几个dynos上运行了一个相当高流量的Facebook应用程序,无法启动它。 我可以找到的最佳信息详细信息是Python部署: http://newrelic.com/docs/python/python-agent-and-heroku 感谢! 解决方案 用Cedar支持PHP,我们在New Relic不知道比你更多的东西。我们将尽快与Heroku交谈,以获得一些肯定会发布的文档( New Relic的知识库) ,我也会在这里汇报。 编辑添加: 抱歉,长时间延迟在我检查回来。不幸的是,这仍然是不可能的,以一种良好的支持的方式,原因是我们的PHP代理程序需要一个独立的守护进程运行,除了服务于您的内容的dyno。虽然你可以找到可怕的黑客来让你进入可以暂时启动守护进程的空间,但这不是可持续的,并且不会移植到下一个正在启动的dyno。这意味着我们不能支持你在这个环境中运行代理。 编辑添加: 正如@ aaron-heusser提到的,支持终于在一个月前正式发布: https:/ /github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php 注意:我在New Relic工作。 Has anyone succesfully deployed the New Relic addon to a PHP app running on Heroku Cedar stack? I'm running a fairly high traffic Facebook app on a few dynos and can't get it to work.The best info I can find details a Python deployment: http://newrelic.com/docs/python/python-agent-and-herokuThanks! 解决方案 Heroku has just recently rolled out support for PHP with Cedar and we at New Relic don't know anything more than you do. We'll be talking with Heroku ASAP to get some docs developed which will certainly be on (New Relic's knowledge base), and I'll report back here as well.Edited to add:Sorry for the long delay in me checking back in. Unfortunately this is still not possible in a well-supported way, reason being that our php agent requires a standalone daemon to be running in addition to the dyno that is serving your content. While you can find terrible hacks to get you into the space where you could fire up the daemon temporarily, it's not sustainable and won't port to the next dyno that spins up. This means that we can't support you running the agent in this environment.Edited to add:As @aaron-heusser mentioned, support is finally official as of a month or so ago: https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-phpNote: I work at New Relic. 这篇关于在Heroku Cedar(PHP)上部署New Relic的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-26 14:11