

我正在尝试从以byte[]形式收到的BLE广告中获取UUIDMajorMinor IDs.我在此处使用了建议的代码,但无法理解解析器的输出.这是我从BLE设备之一获得的输出

I am trying to get the UUID, Major, Minor IDs from the BLE advertisement received in the form of a byte[]. I have used the suggested code here but the i am unable to understand the output of the parser. Here is the output i get for one of the BLE devices

Length: 2 Type : 1 Data : 6,
Length: 26 Type : -1 Data : 76 0 2 21 -9 -126 109 -90 79 -94 78 -104 -128 36 -68 91 113 -32 -119 62 12 -121 -79 52 -77,
Length: 8 Type : 9 Data : 75 111 110 116 97 107 116,
Length: 2 Type : 10 Data : -12,
Length: 10 Type : 22 Data : 13 -48 117 76 106 98 50 55 100

如何了解哪个字段包含UUID,主要和次要ID? .我从stackoverflow的同一篇文章中读到0x07表示UUID,我如何从上述数据中了解类型是0x07.

How to understand which field contains the UUID , major and minor IDs? . I read from same post on stackoverflow that 0x07 indicates UUID, how do i understand how the type is 0x07 from the above data.


This is my first question here so apologies for any mistakes in the way the question was asked.


Here is the code just in case:

public void printScanRecord (byte[] scanRecord) {
    // Simply print all raw bytes
    try {
        String decodedRecord = new String(scanRecord,"UTF-8");
        Log.d("DEBUG","decoded String : " + ByteArrayToString(scanRecord));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    // Parse data bytes into individual records
    List<AdRecord> records = AdRecord.parseScanRecord(scanRecord);

    // Print individual records
    if (records.size() == 0) {
        Log.i("DEBUG", "Scan Record Empty");
    } else {
        Log.i("DEBUG", "Scan Record: " + TextUtils.join(",", records));


public static String ByteArrayToString(byte[] ba)
  StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.length * 2);
  for (byte b : ba)
    hex.append(b + " ");
  return hex.toString();

public static class AdRecord {

    public AdRecord(int length, int type, byte[] data) {
        String decodedRecord = "";
        try {
            decodedRecord = new String(data,"UTF-8");

        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

        Log.d("DEBUG", "Length: " + length + " Type : " + type + " Data : " + ByteArrayToString(data));

    // ...

    public static List<AdRecord> parseScanRecord(byte[] scanRecord) {
        List<AdRecord> records = new ArrayList<AdRecord>();

        int index = 0;
        while (index < scanRecord.length) {
            int length = scanRecord[index++];
            //Done once we run out of records
            if (length == 0) break;

            int type = scanRecord[index];
            //Done if our record isn't a valid type
            if (type == 0) break;

            byte[] data = Arrays.copyOfRange(scanRecord, index+1, index+length);

            records.add(new AdRecord(length, type, data));
            index += length;

        return records;

    // ...



I suppose the Type values are explained in: Generic Access Profile web page

我还做了一些解析器代码,您可以从 mybletest/BLEBase.java 文件.

I also made some parser code that you could find from the bottom of mybletest/BLEBase.java file.


07-26 12:15